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Title: The quantum electrodynamical problem of two electrons
Authors: Лазур, Володимир Юрійович
Мигалина, Світлана Іванівна
Рейтій, Олександр Костянтинович
Keywords: interelectron interaction, retardation effects, Breit operator, quantum electrodynamics, quasimolecular electron
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2009
Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
Citation: Lazur V.Y., Migalina S.I., Reitii A.K. // Theor. Math. Phys. - 2009. - V. 158, No 3. - P. 333-343.
Abstract: We solve the problem of the interaction of two quasimolecular electrons at an arbitrary distance from each other, i.e., near different atoms (nuclei). We regard the interaction as a second-order effect of the quantum electrodynamic perturbation theory in the coordinate representation. Taking the natural condition of the symmetry of the retardation factor, the electron spins, and the effects of retardation of the relativistic interaction of the two quasimolecular electrons located near different nuclei into account consistently, we obtain additional terms in the interelectron interaction operator compared with the standard Breit operator.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри диференціальних рівнянь та математичної фізики

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