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dc.contributor.authorБартош, Олена Павлівна-
dc.identifier.citationBartosh O. Practice as the Basis for Training of Masters of Social Work in Ukraine // Intellectual Archive. − 2016. − Volume 5, Number 4 (July /August). Series «Education & Pedagogy». − Toronto: Shiny World Corp. − PP.28-32uk
dc.description.abstractThe author has analyzed the possibilities of praxeological approach implementation in the training of social work masters. Praxeological approach is the methodological concept that allows us effectively determine the nature of the action as the main element of the system and identify professional and pedagogical skills to be formed in future social workers. Two key types of practice of social work masters in Ukraine are scientific-research practice and scientific-pedagogical practice. The aim of scientific-research practice is to provide students with an understanding of the role and importance of research in decision-making in their future careers; to form skills of organization and conducting the research; to promote the development of creative thinking in the course of research conduct. The aim of scientific-pedagogical practice is: to consolidate theoretical knowledge of students in the spehre of educational activities; to acquire practical skills in conditions of higher education; to carry out the training for the profession of a lecturer, curator, tutor; to teach to analyze and solve practical situation of professional activity; to equip with complex necessary
dc.publisherShiny World
dc.subjectfuture social worker, master, professional training, praxeological
dc.titlePractice as the Basis for Training of Masters of Social Work in Ukraineuk
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри соціології і соціальної роботи

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