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Title: Production and Monitoring of Neutron Flux by Activation Detector
Authors: Haysak, Ivan
Holomb, Robert
Martishechkin, Vasyl
Harapko, Evgen
Katovsky, Karel
Keywords: Neutron production, microtron, gamma spectroscopy, activation detectors
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: Czech Technical University in Prague
Citation: I. Haysak, R. Holomb, V. Martishechkin, E. Harapko, K. Katovsky Production and Monitoring of Neutron Flux by Activation Detektors, In: Book of Abstracts "ANIMMA 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, June 21-25, 2021", Prague, Chech Technical University, 2021, p.180.
Abstract: The neutron generation technique was tested on the microtron M-10 with an output electron beam of 8.7 MeV. Given the low energy that the microtron can provide to electrons, the bremsstrahlung induced photonuclear reaction 9Be (γ, n), which has a low threshold, was chosen for neutron generation. Cobalt and indium targets were tested as activation detectors to estimate the neutron flux density. In the cobalt target, the isomeric state of 60mCo with an energy of 58.6 keV and a half-life of 10.5 minutes is well activated. Two well-known additional gamma lines of standard cobalt source permit to clarify the absolute value of the neutron flux. The activated indium target has four gamma lines bound to the 116mIn isomer β- decaying with a half-life of 54.4 minutes, which is convenient for the measurement of the gamma spectrum. Despite the low energy of the output electron beam, at a beam intensity of 5 μA it is possible to obtain an almost isotropic neutron flux of 10^7 n/(s∙cm2).
Type: Text
Publication type: Тези до статті
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації відділення фізики ядра та елементарних частинок

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