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dc.contributor.authorПолюжин, Михайло Михайлович-
dc.identifier.citationПолюжин М. М. Про антропоцентричну парадигму фразеологічних досліджень / М. М. Полюжин // Актуальні проблеми філології та перекладознавства. - 2019. - Вип. 16. - С.
dc.description.abstractУ статті йдеться про антропоцентричність і багатошаровий характер фразем та вимоги до їх концептуального аналізу. На численних прикладах проілюстровано, що фраземи характеризуються антропоцентричністю, оскільки вони включають у себе історичний, соціальний і культурний досвід людини та виконують відповідні функції. Зроблено висновок про те, що проведення поглибленого лінгвокогнітивного та лінгвокультурологічного аналізу найбільш доцільно здійснювати в їхній фразеологічній маніфестації тому, що саме онтологічна природа фразем сприяє широкому вивченню досліджуваних одиниць у кожній природній мові.uk
dc.description.abstractThe article focuses on studying the anthropocentric paradigm of phraseological investigations in modern linguistics. It substantiates the establishment of close relationship in the description of language and extralinguistic reality. The profound analysis of available gains in phraseology convincingly proves that its researches are more interested at present in the peculiarities of reflecting the world around and the way of representing the knowledge about it by means of phraseological units. The author proceeds from the assumption, that the process of revealing knowledge is based on devices of intellectual activities of a human being, his or her consciousness, thinking, intuition – everything covered by the notion ―cognition‖ and enables the application of a new approach to the solution of topical problems of lexical word and phrase meaning. Nowadays it is evident that learning language forms is not complete without reference to cognitive categories, as experience demonstrates that mental categories are practically inseparable from language categories. From the point of view of cognitive science lexemes enable indicating the world with their own meaning, built in the structure of knowledge about the world. The word and phrase meanings may also be a means of approaching the long-term memory and consciousness of a human being. Of special importance are the prospects revealed by cognitive linguistics for learning versatile language units including phraseological. This new paradigm in the field of phraseology is based on the availability of close relations between language and thinking, reflecting varieties of knowledge, forms and means of their representation in conceptosphere. The turn of modern phraseological studies into cognitive and linguocultural trends facilitates describing peculiarities of conceptosphere of a national language, the ethnic specificity of cognitive models. This is especially topical for the study of phraseological units comprising spiritually valuable cultural consciousness. Linguistic culturology is the acquirement of anthropological paradigm in the centre of which there is the phenomenon of culture. Within the framework of linguistic culturology the scholars attempt to approach closely the description of self-consciousness of every language community. It is the phraseological corpus that reflects intralingual and extralinguistic parameters within which a language functions. Phraseological units are data medium of common thoughts, beliefs, convictions which are ascribed, as a rule, to native speakers. The study of phrases from the point of view of their culture anticipates singling out basic functions by means of which they differ from other language units. The first and the most important one is the accumulative function, according to which phrases are a means of acquiring and fixating socially important experience. They are also able to accumulate and render incomparably greater scope of information and therefore is the concentration of background knowledge. The second function is directive pertaining to those who hold a conversation, that is phrases used for motivating and justification of one`s own actions. This function of phrases is aimed at explaining the causes of accumulating experience and is a means of regulating the behaviour of language community members. The process of interpreting a phraseological unit has a multi-layer character. The first layer is based on the interpretive model and is a phrase perception from the point of view of basic knowledge of culture, inherent in a human being, the second one is the correlation of the imaginary form of a phrase with the following codes of culture: anthropomorphic, somatic, zoomorphic, etc. As independent spiritual values phrases pertain to figurativeness, accelerate thinking and favour
dc.publisherФОП Бідюк Є. І.uk
dc.subjectфразеологічна одиницяuk
dc.subjectкогнітивний і лінгвокультурологічний концептuk
dc.subjectphraseological unit, phraseologyuk
dc.subjectlinguistic and culturological conceptuk
dc.titleПро антропоцентричну парадигму фразеологічних дослідженьuk
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри прикладної лінгвістики

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