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dc.contributor.authorКічера, Віктор Васильович-
dc.identifier.citationГреко-Католицька Церква і держава в автономній Карпатській Україні (за матеріалами МЗС ЧСР) / Карпатська Україна – незалежна держава. Редколегія: М. Вегеш (Голова). Ужгород, Видавництво ПП «АУТДОР-ШАРК», 2019, с.
dc.description.abstractViktor Kichera Greek-Catholic Church and State in the Autonomous Carpatho-Ukraine (based on materials of the Czech Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The article deals with a few months autonomy of the Carpathian Ukraine, accompanied by serious challenges in administrative issues for the Church - borders of the diocese, placing of a seminary, terrorist attacks, etc. The key issue of the Mukachevo diocese parishes viability, administered by Bishop Dionysius Naryadiy, was training for seminarians since the Uzhgorod Seminary was at the borders of Hungary. The attempts to place more than 20 seminarians for study in Lviv was not only unsuccessful because of the political motives, but the church authorities also tried to solve it through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, which was definitely limited by a concordat in 1928. Such a situation gave no chances for the permission of the Polish authorities for training seminarians from the border of Subcarpathian Rus in Poland. Therefore, exclusively church questions and their decisions depended on the political diplomacy of the Prague Nunciature and the officials of the Foreign Ministry. As the government circles of the CHSR wanted to reduce spreading of Ukrainian influence, they insisted on the placement of training in Olomovets, which eventually happened. Of course, under such conditions, it was difficult to reform the church life of the autonomous leadership in
dc.publisherВидавництво ПП «АУТДОР-ШАРК»uk
dc.subjectKeywords: autonomy, Greek-Catholic Church, state, Carpatho-Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech
dc.titleГреко-Католицька Церква і держава в автономній Карпатській Україні (за матеріалами МЗС ЧСР)uk
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри модерної історії України та зарубіжних країн

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