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dc.contributor.authorЛавер, Олександр Георгійович-
dc.contributor.authorМатяшовська, Беата Олександрівна-
dc.identifier.citationЛавер, О. Людські втрати української держави у війнах і конфліктах ХХІ століття [Текст] / О. Лавер, Б. Матяшовська // Геополітика України: історія і сучасність : зб. наук. пр. / ред. кол.: І. В. Артьомов (голов. ред.) та ін. – Ужгород : ДВНЗ "УжНУ", 2019. – №Вип. 1 (22). – С. 66-86. – Бібліогр.: с. 82-86 (47 назв).uk
dc.description.abstractУ статті досліджується питання людських втрат Укра- їнської держави у війнах і конфліктах ХХІ століття станом на початок 2019 року. Наводяться нижня, верхня та середня оцінки людських втрат у цих війнах. Особлива увага приділяється ви- вченню людських втрат у війні на Донбасі.uk
dc.description.abstractUkraine, as an independent state, in the ХХІth century has faced the most serious challenge in its history – namely, the aggression of the Russian Federation and the war in the Donbass region, as the one of its consequences. The mentioned problem is highly relevant for Ukraine nowadays; therefore it deserves detailed and comprehensive study. The proposed paper aims at studying and analyzing of human losses of the Ukrainian state in the wars and confl icts of ХХІth century, primarily in the war in the Donbass region. We give the lower and higher estimates in the aforementioned confl icts and the most reliable (according to the authors) average estimate of human losses. There are very few monographs in this fi eld but we would like to mention the collective monograph “Donbass and Crimea: the price of return. Monograph” by the collective of authors under the supervision of V.P. Horbulin (2015, 474 pages) and the monograph of O. Laver “Wars and population of the world in XX-XXIth centuries (1900- 2016), Statistical study” (2018, 760 pages). Monographs, which are mentioned above, deal with data up to the 2016, thus there is need to clarify the data, presented it them, and to extend the study on the recent years as well. In the present paper the corresponding statistical data is given up to the beginning of 2019. Objects of study of human losses of Ukraine in the wars and confl icts of XXIth century are the following: the Revolution of Dignity (23.11.2013 – 27.02.2014), annexation of Crimea by the troops of the Russian Federation (February – March of 2014), the war in the Donbass region (2014 – 2018), and the human losses of the Ukrainian troops in the international peacekeeping operations in the diff erent parts of the world. In addition, we consider the human losses of Ukraine in ethnical clashes, by terrorist att acks and unrest that took place in 2014-2018, and human losses from the terror of the Russian occupants in Crimea. The new statistical data which was obtained in the article is summed up in the Table 4. Thus, as on the end of 2018, according to the results of the study the human losses of Ukraine in the wars and confl icts of XXIth century are between 11.023 and 18.194 deceased with the average estimate of 11.802. Military losses of the both sides are 8.491 deceased. The obtained numbers can be clarifi ed during the further
dc.subjectагресія Російської Федераціїuk
dc.subjectЗбройні сили Україниuk
dc.subjectбойові та небойові втратиuk
dc.subjectпроросійські бойовикиuk
dc.subjectвтрати мирного населенняuk
dc.subjectнижня, верхня та середня оцінки людських втратuk
dc.subjectthe aggression of the Russian Federationuk
dc.subjectestimates of human lossesuk
dc.subjectArmed Forces of Ukraineuk
dc.subjectpro-Russian combatantsuk
dc.subjectcombat and non-military lossesuk
dc.subjectcivilian casualtiesuk
Appears in Collections:Геополітика України: історія і сучасність. Вип. 1(22) 2019

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