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dc.contributor.authorБоброва, Н. Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorЄнукідзе, Д. З.-
dc.identifier.citationБоброва, Н. Ф. Фактори ризику очікуваних ускладнень післятравматичної артифакії дитячого віку і способи їх усунення / Н. Ф. Боброва, Д. З. Єнукідзе // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету : серія: Медицина / відп. ред. В.І. Русин. – Ужгород : УжНУ, 2004. – Вип. 22. – С. 13-17. – Бібліогр.: с. 16 (14 назв). – Рез. англ.uk
dc.description.abstractWith the purpose of revealing the IOL displacement such as "pupil capture" syndrome risk factors in implantation surgery of trau­matic cataracts in children the clinical investigation of 143 children (143 eyes) was performed. IOL Acrysof (Alcon) have been used оn 77 eyes, РММА IOL on 66 eyes. Тhе multifactorial statistical analysis has revealed complexes of risk factors development of а "pupil capture" syndrome, connected with initial posttraumatic topogragic-anatomic damages of anterior segment of an еуе, features of optic-reconstructive intervention, character of postoperative period course. Application of new surgical technologies of traumatic cataracts phacoaspiration with use of small incisions, viscoelastics and fold­able IOL from acrylic acids derivatives reduce the exudative reaction of children's еуе structures up to 12,7 % in comparison with 66,7 % at use of IOL from РММА and usual technologies, and in the remote terms of observation decrease the frequency of secon­dary cataracts formation from 59,5 % up to 15,2 %, synechias with IOL from 54,8 % up to 8,7 %, а "pupil capture" syndrome from 28,6 % up to 7,55 %. Тhе new surgical technology of elimination of а "pupil capture" syndrome bу transposition of IOL optics under posterior capsule into retrolenticular space allow to completely isolate IOL optics from iris surface, to remove chronic inflammatory process, to prevent the development of synechias relapse and as result - to prevent "pupil capture" syndrome
dc.subjectтравма окаuk
dc.subjectеуе traumauk
dc.titleФактори ризику очікуваних ускладнень післятравматичної артифакії дитячого віку і способи їх усуненняuk
dc.title.alternativeRisk factors of "pupil capture" syndrome development in posttraumatic pseudopakia in children, new surgical technology of іt eliminationuk
Appears in Collections:Медицина. Випуск 22 – 2004

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