Наукові публікації кафедри прикладної фізики : [63] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 63 of 63
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Electric studies of Cu(6)PS(5)I-based thin films with various content of copperIzai, Vitalii; Bendak, Andrii; Studenyak, Viktor; Vizenko, Mykola; Guranich, Pavlo; Studenyak, Ihor; Kúš, Peter; Mikula, Marián
2017Structural and electrical properties of argyrodite-type Cu(7)PS(6) crystalŠalkus, Tomas; Kežionis, Algimantas; Banys, Jūras; Izai, Vitalii Yu.; Pogodin, Artem I.; Kokhan, Olexandr P.; Sidey, Vasyl I.; Sabov, Marijan Yu.; Studenyak, Ihor P.
2017-10Phase Transitions in Cu(6)PS(5)Br-Cu(7)PS(6) mixed crystalsStudenyak, Ihor; Luchynets, Mykhailo; Izai, Vitalii; Pogodin, Artem; Kokhan, Olexander; Kežionis, Algimantas; Šalkus, Tomas; Banys, Juras
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 63 of 63
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