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Title: Особливості розвитку сфери агротуризму
Authors: Газуда, Сергій Михайлович
Чабан, Роман
Каганець-Гаврилко, Леся
Keywords: агротуризм, туризм, сільське господарство, фінансування агротуризму, маркетингові ідеї, agritourism, tourism, agriculture, agritourism funding, marketing ideas
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Газуда С., Чабан Р., Каганець-Гаврилко Л. Особливості розвитку сфери агротуризму. Геополітика України: історія і сучасність: зб. наук. праць. 2023. Вип. 1 (30). С. 107–115.
Series/Report no.: Геополітика України: історія і сучасність;
Abstract: У статті розглянуто досвід розвинених країн у сфері агротуризму, його пе- реваги та недоліки. Розкрито потенціал України у цій галузі, зокрема з ураху- ванням природних умов та діяльності існуючих сільськогосподарських підпри- ємств. Досліджено різні форми агротуризму, їх вплив на сільське господарство та громади, на малий та середній бізнес, нормативно-правову базу та фінансування державою. Обгрунтовано, що розвиток агротуризму може стати ефективним інструментом активізації регіонального розвитку сільських територій.
The article discusses the experience of other countries in the development of agrotourism, its advantages and disadvantages. The potential of Ukraine in the development of agrotourism, taking into account natural conditions and existing agricultural enterprises, was considered, various forms of agrotourism and their impact on agriculture and communities were studied. The impact of agrotourism on small and medium-sized businesses, state funding, and the regulatory framework. The main emphasis was placed on the advantages of this sector. The development of agrotourism can become an effective tool for activating the regional development of rural areas. To develop agrotourism, systematic work is necessary, taking into account all these problems and factors. The activation of regional development in the field of agrotourism involves the development and implementation of strategies and programs aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the region for tourists, attracting investment in the development of infrastructure, and supporting entrepreneurship in the industry. Key areas of development may include the creation of agrotourist routes and facilities, improving the quality of services and products, developing a network of hotels and guesthouses, equipping and modernizing infrastructure. In addition, it is important to involve local communities in the development of agrotourism to promote the creation of new jobs and increase income in the region. The issue of increasing the burden on natural and cultural resources, the rational use of natural resources, and the preservation of the cultural heritage of the region was discussed. Despite having significant tourist potential, rural tourism and agrotourism are not being developed sufficiently in Ukraine. Although rural recreation in Ukraine, especially in the Carpathian region, has a long history, its future is not yet determined. It is currently unknown whether this type of recreation will become a full-fledged participant in the national tourism market or whether it is possible to increase the number of tourists staying in rural homes to 15-20% of the total number of tourists, as is the case in Italy. There are both pessimistic and optimistic assessments of this issue. It is quite possible that without effective state policies in this area, rural tourism will remain in a semi-legal status, without a clear organizational structure, without well-developed information and marketing activities, simply as a kind of addon to other tourism directions.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:300Наукові публікації кафедри економіки, підприємництва та торгівлі

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