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dc.contributor.authorZhero, Natalia-
dc.identifier.citationWiadomosci Lekarskie, 2015, V. 68, nr. 3, part II, P. 423 - 425uk
dc.descriptionПублікація присвячена застосуванню препаратів класу бісфосфонатів у поєднанні із кальцій-вмістними сілерами при ендодонтичному лікуванні періодонтитівuk
dc.description.abstractIt has been explored the outcomes of medicated processing of root canals with apical periodontitis on immediate and long-term (in 6 and 12 months) results of endodontic treatment of 60 teeth of the patient under the study and 32 - of the control group. It has been identified that inclusion of bisphosphonates with further root filling with osteoplastic calcium-containing sealer to the endodontic protocol accelerates renovation processes in bone structure in the zones of destruction and allows to renovate periodontium in 86.2% of cases against 63.3% in control group in 12 months. The said treatment tactics ensures complete renovation of periapical tissues and tooth function.uk
dc.publisherAluna Publishinguk
dc.subjectapical periodontitisuk
dc.subjectendodontic treatmentuk
dc.titleBisphosphonates and osteoplastic medications in endodontic treatment of destructive forms of periodontitisuk
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові публікації кафедри стоматології післядипломної освіти

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