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dc.contributor.authorФедевич, Марія Олегівна-
dc.identifier.citationFedevych M.O. Odontoglyphic molar features of permanent teeth of adolescents, taking into account ethnicity / M.O. Fedevych // Intermedical journal. – 2015. – Vol. IІІ (№5). – Р. 48-52.uk
dc.description.abstractTo analyze the literature on the prevalence and intensity of caries of the people of different ethnic groups regarding the odontoglyphic features of the permanent teeth. Main content: the presented data from the literature suggest that occurrence and prevalence of tooth decay, especially among children, tends to increase. These processes are largely stipulated by environmental conditions, such as biogeochemical fluorine and iodine deficiency. These natural areas include the Transcarpathian region, as the environment in which human lives. In the article there are presented some odontoglyphic and odontology features of permanent teeth of the children, which allows you to recover and rehabilitate teeth-jaw disease, taking into account features of their structure of different ethnic groups. Conclusions: the assessment of the odontoglyphic features of permanent teeth of teenagers of different ethnic groups of Transcarpathia is an interesting clinical research that discovers new methods of influencing the activity of the caries process. Further research is interesting, as it aims to improve the cariogenic situation of teenagers by introducing individualized schemes for the purpose of improvement of the efficiency of the prevention and treatment of dental caries of permanent teeth of the children of different ethnic groups living in the biogeochemical fluorine and iodine deficiency conditions. Key words: teenager, permanent teeth, caries, odontoglyphic, ethnic group.uk
dc.publisherVPS ­ SLOVAKIA, spol. s r.o; ДВНЗ "Ужгородський національний університет", Стоматологічний факультетuk
dc.subjectпостійні моляриuk
dc.subjectетнічні групиuk
dc.titleOdontoglyphic molar features of permanent teeth of adolescents, taking into account ethnicityuk
dc.title.alternativeОдонтогліфічні особливості постійних молярів у підлітків різних етнічних групuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри стоматології дитячого віку

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