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dc.contributor.authorЗаборовський, Віктор Вікторович-
dc.identifier.citationЗаборовский В.В. Правовая природа независимости и самостоятельности украинского адвоката. Studia Prawnoustrojowe. 2018. № 39. S. 215-229 (стаття, провідне наукове видання Польської Республіки).uk
dc.description.abstractIn the article the author reveals the nature of independence and self-dependence of the lawyer through the prism of clarifying the absolute or relative of their legal nature. It is stated that the independence and self-dependence of the lawyer are correlated as interrelated, but at the same time, different properties of his legal status. The conclusion is drawn that the independence of a lawyer should be perceived as an absolute category and concerns all aspects of his professional activity (the law does not restrict but rather determines the essence of the independence of the legal profession and establishes the mechanism for its provision), whereas self-dependence is a relative category and is associated primarily with the implementation of the provided
dc.subject12.00.10 – судоустрій; прокуратура та адвокатураuk
dc.subjectlawyer; advocacy; professional legal assistance; absolute independence of the lawyer; the relative self-dependence of the
dc.titleПравовая природа независимости и самостоятельности украинского адвокатаuk
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри цивільного права та процесу

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