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dc.contributor.authorЛендьел, Мирослава Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorNedelcu, Harry-
dc.contributor.authorPanchuk, Dmytro-
dc.identifier.citationLendel M. Foreign interference in the Zakarpattia region of Ukraine: The 2019 elections and beyond // Lendel M., Nedelcu H., Panchuk D. In^ New Eastern Europe, May 6, 2020, https://neweasterneurope.eu/2020/05/06/foreign-interference-in-the-zakarpattia-region-of-ukraine-the-2019-elections-and-beyond/uk
dc.description.abstractThis is the third and final article in a series of publications that have examined foreign influence in three select oblasts of Ukraine – Odesa, Kharkiv, and Zakarpattia. This discussion looks at Hungarian and Russian influence in Zakarpattia Oblast, which became especially important during Ukraine’s presidential and parliamentary elections in 2019.uk
dc.description.sponsorshipAlliance of Democracies foundationuk
dc.publisherNew Eastern Europeuk
dc.subjectПолітична наука, міжнародні відносини, європейська інтеграціяuk
dc.subjectForeign influence, elections, Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, Zakarpattiauk
dc.titleForeign interference in the Zakarpattia region of Ukraine: The 2019 elections and beyonduk
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