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dc.contributor.authorБрітченко, Ігор Геннадійович-
dc.contributor.authorPolishchuk, Yevhenia-
dc.contributor.authorKornyliuk, Anna-
dc.contributor.authorBritchenko, Igor-
dc.identifier.citationBritchenko Igor. University as a core of e-learning ecosystem/Polishchuk Y., Kornyliuk A., Britchenko I.//14th conference reader, Prague: Center for Higher Education Studies Location: Microsoft, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC Date: JUN 20-21, 2019. – P. 309-319.uk
dc.descriptionThe concept and the main stakeholders of E-learning ecosystem are investigated at the article. University is regarded as a center of such ecosystem due to skilled knowledge providers and technical equipment availability. Studying different cases authors prove that higher educational institution plays a driver role in different projects, especially social start-up projects. Different models of partnership between universities and other stakeholders are considered. In authors’ opinion, one of the most perspective collaborative projects are in frame of “students – schoolchildren” due to effective knowledge transfer. Such kind of cooperation can fill the gap between school and university education. Particularly the framework of e-learning project in financial literacy for orphans totally prepared and executed by students is considered. The ICT tools are very actively used in these initiatives aiming to develop high demanded skills as critical thinking, creativity and complex problem solving. As a result, schoolchildren are receiving a toolkit for basic data analysis, developing own business plan and adopting evidencebased decisions. The authors prove that E-learning projects are able to improve both information and financial literacy and also increase the level of inclusivity into education of weak and socially unprotected children from orphanages. The article will be useful for the representatives from universities, orphanages, companies who eager to boost the level of their social responsibility. The aim of the research is to reveal different types of cooperation under social projects between higher educational institutions and other stakeholders, using wide range of ICT e-learning tools as well. In addition, to develop a set of recommendations to the universities of collaboration roadmap.uk
dc.description.abstractThe concept and the main stakeholders of E-learning ecosystem are investigated at the article. University is regarded as a center of such ecosystem due to skilled knowledge providers and technical equipment availability. Studying different cases authors prove that higher educational institution plays a driver role in different projects, especially social start-up projects. Different models of partnership between universities and other stakeholders are considered. In authors’ opinion, one of the most perspective collaborative projects are in frame of “students – schoolchildren” due to effective knowledge transfer. Such kind of cooperation can fill the gap between school and university education. Particularly the framework of e-learning project in financial literacy for orphans totally prepared and executed by students is considered. The ICT tools are very actively used in these initiatives aiming to develop high demanded skills as critical thinking, creativity and complex problem solving. As a result, schoolchildren are receiving a toolkit for basic data analysis, developing own business plan and adopting evidencebased decisions. The authors prove that E-learning projects are able to improve both information and financial literacy and also increase the level of inclusivity into education of weak and socially unprotected children from orphanages. The article will be useful for the representatives from universities, orphanages, companies who eager to boost the level of their social responsibility. The aim of the research is to reveal different types of cooperation under social projects between higher educational institutions and other stakeholders, using wide range of ICT e-learning tools as well. In addition, to develop a set of recommendations to the universities of collaboration roadmap.uk
dc.publisherPrague: Center for Higher Education Studiesuk
dc.subjectcollaboration learninguk
dc.subjectinformation literacyuk
dc.subjectdata analysisuk
dc.subjectsocial start-upsuk
dc.titleUniversity as a core of e-learning ecosystemuk
dc.title.alternativeUniversity as a core of e-learning ecosystemuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри фінансів і банківської справи

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