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dc.contributor.authorПересоляк, Владислав Юрійович-
dc.contributor.authorКарабинюк, М. М.-
dc.contributor.authorМарканич, Я. В.-
dc.contributor.authorPeresolyak, V. Yu.en
dc.contributor.editorKarabiniuk, M.M.en
dc.identifier.citationМ. M. Karabiniuk , V. Yu. Peresolyak , Ya. V. Markanych Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work, Assistant of the Department of Physical Geography and Efficient Environmental Management (Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Geography, Uzhhorod, Ukraine) 2 PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Land Management and Cadastre (Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Geography, Uzhhorod, Ukraine) 3 Master student of Department of Physical Geography and Efficient Environmental Management (Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of Geography, Uzhhorod, Ukraine) EXPERIENCE OF ECOLOGICAL-LANDSCAPE ORGANIZATION OF THE ALPINE-SUBALPINE HIGHLANDS OF CHERNOHORA IN THE BORDERS OF THE TRANSCARPATHIAN REGION (UKRAINEuk
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dc.description.abstractThe article briefly presents the experience of carrying out the research of the ecological and landscape organization of the territory of the alpine-subalpine highlands of Chornohora and application of the landscape approach in optimizing the pastoralism and tourism system. Considerable attention is paid to specifying the goals and objectives of conducting a similar ecological-landscape organization of highlands, peculiarities of theoretical and methodological landscape principles, and the step-by-step study of the high mountain natural territorial complexes. The general features of the morphological structure of the key site «Sheshul-Petros» and its interrelation with the pastoralism and tourism are described. The main result of the research is the developed recommendations of optimization of land use system, which are developed on a landscape
dc.publisher«Нурай Принт Сервис» ЖШС баспаханасында басылып шықты 050026, Алматы қ., Муратбаев көшесі 75, оф.3. Тел.: +7(727)234-17-02uk
dc.subjectalpine-subalpine highlands, natural territorial complexes, landscape structure, pastures, optimization,
dc.subjectalpine-subalpine highlands, natural territorial complexes, landscape structure, pastures, optimization,
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри землевпорядкування та кадастру

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