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dc.contributor.authorБрітченко, Ігор Геннадійович-
dc.contributor.authorBritchenko, Igor-
dc.contributor.authorBezpartochnyi, Maksym-
dc.contributor.authorBezpartochna, Olesia-
dc.identifier.citationBritchenko I. Ensuring the financial safety of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in the context of export products and the impact on macroeconomic indicators/Bezpartochnyi M., Britchenko I., Bezpartochna O.//VUZF Review. – VUZF, Sofia (Bulgaria). - № 6(3). - 2021. - P. 186 - 195.uk
dc.descriptionThis article is devoted to the study of directions of financial safety of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises through the assessment of indicators economic activity and analysis of the export potential of agricultural products. The financial indicators of economic activity of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises, which affect the ensuring of financial safety, are determined. The activity of large Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in terms of their capitalization and formation of own capital are studied. Analyzed the commodity structure of exports agricultural products of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises and determined the amount of foreign exchange earnings from EU countries. Due to economic-statistical and mathematical tools, a study of the dependence of GDP and the euro on foreign exchange earnings from exports of agricultural products of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises to the EU countries. Offered the scheme of directions of maintenance of financial safety of the agricultural enterprises of Ukraine in the context of internal environment of activity of economic entities and stabilization of macroeconomic indicators of the country.uk
dc.description.abstractThis article is devoted to the study of directions of financial safety of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises through the assessment of indicators economic activity and analysis of the export potential of agricultural products. The financial indicators of economic activity of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises, which affect the ensuring of financial safety, are determined. The activity of large Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in terms of their capitalization and formation of own capital are studied. Analyzed the commodity structure of exports agricultural products of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises and determined the amount of foreign exchange earnings from EU countries. Due to economic-statistical and mathematical tools, a study of the dependence of GDP and the euro on foreign exchange earnings from exports of agricultural products of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises to the EU countries. Offered the scheme of directions of maintenance of financial safety of the agricultural enterprises of Ukraine in the context of internal environment of activity of economic entities and stabilization of macroeconomic indicators of the country.uk
dc.publisherVUZF reviewuk
dc.subjectforeign exchange earningsuk
dc.subjectgross domestic productuk
dc.subjectexchange rateuk
dc.subjectfinancial safetyuk
dc.subjectagricultural enterprisesuk
dc.titleEnsuring the financial safety of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in the context of export products and the impact on macroeconomic indicatorsuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри фінансів і банківської справи

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