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dc.contributor.authorBenchak, Olesia-
dc.identifier.citation5. Benchak O. Transborder Cooperation in the Carpathian and Barents Regions: Optimization of Management through Comparative Sociological Analysis/ O.Benchak// Scientific and theoretical and social-political almanac “GRANI”. – 2020. – Vol. 23, № 8. – p. 5-13.uk
dc.identifier.issnУДК 316.33.-
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to analysis of the peculiarities of transborder cooperation in the Carpathian and Barents regions and optimization of its management through comparative sociological analysis. The institutional capacity of managing transborder cooperation, in the Barents region of northern Europe, its focus on increasing human capital and reorienting to cluster development can serve as an example for the development of cross-border cooperation in the Carpathian region. This is evidenced by the multifaceted activities of the Barents Euro-Arctic and Barents Regional Councils for the development of cooperation between the border regions and territorial communities, coordination of priorities and implementation of Barents Co-operation programs at the international, intergovernmental and interregional levels, synchronization of their activities in the Arctic region with EU institutions, cooperation leading international structures in Northern Europe, the Arctic and the Baltic. Such institutional experience in the Barents region indicates the feasibility and high potential impact of establishing a new multilateral international instrument for supporting cross-border cooperation in the Carpathian region. This experience should not be copied, but should be implemented taking into account the specifics of the Carpathian region. The author`s position on the methodological foundations of the sociological study of crossborder interactions as a differentiating and solidarizing factor is formulated. Perspective directions of research of cross-border interactions are seen first of all in: creation of international research collectives; elaboration and improvement of sociological tools for monitoring the state and dynamics of cross-border interactions; constructing a system of indicators that characterize the factors of micro, meso, macro and global levels that determine the content of cross-border interactions. The Ukrainian-Slovak, Ukrainian-Hungarian and Ukrainian-Romanian borders as a special space of social differentiation and integration remain extremely unexplored.uk
dc.description.sponsorshipBenchak O.uk
dc.publisherGrani. Vol. 23, № 8.uk
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 23;№ 8-
dc.subjecttransborder cooperation comparative sociological study, crossborder interactions, system approach in research of crossborder interactions.uk
dc.titleTransborder Cooperation in the Carpathian and Barents Regions: Optimization of Management through Comparative Sociological Analysisuk
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