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dc.contributor.authorМалець, Наталія Богданівна-
dc.contributor.authorМалець, О. О.-
dc.identifier.citationno. 5-6/2019 Editor-in-Chief Revista Transilvania Radu Vancuuk
dc.identifier.issn0255 0539-
dc.descriptioninate in the content of educational activities. Educational work should also be directed towards the formation of respect for the ethno-culture of other national minorities, overcoming prejudice towards them, national restrictions, and creating a positive psychological climate for their cohesion and friendship, and the formation of international communication culture. An important condition for the effectiveness of educational work is the consideration of ethnic psychosocial features, customs, moral and social values of representatives of all ethnic
dc.description.abstractThe article highlights and analyzes the impact of multiculturalism and globalization on the education of personality value orientations in Ukraine at the end of XX c beg. of XXI c. Multiculturalism in Ukraine should become a new educational strategy that will qualitatively determine new principles of the organization of the educational process, the nature of the presentation of school disciplines and the methodology of educational work. The main objective of multicultural education is the formation of a person, free from negative ethno-cultural stereotypes. An important role in the formation of national consciousness belongs to the mother tongue, which is an essential ethno-differentiating feature. The actual relationship of language and nation often occurs in the consciousness. Education and development of younger generations is provided only in the native language - this axiom has long been accepted by civilized
dc.publisherRevista Transilvania (academic journal indexed in SCOPUS and EBSCO and edited by ASTRA National Museum)uk
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSIBIU 7/2019;-
dc.subjectmulticulturalism, globalization, the formation of personality, ethnocultural processes,
dc.titleGlobalization and Multicultural Influences on Ethnonational Processes in Ukraine at the End of 20th Century – Beg. of 21st Centuryuk
Appears in Collections:Навчально - методичні видання кафедри громадського здоров'я та гуманітарних дисциплін

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