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dc.contributor.authorПристай, Галина Василівна-
dc.contributor.authorВегеш, Микола Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorВіднянський, Степан Васильович-
dc.identifier.citationPrystai Halyna. The need for a spiritual leader. Review of the monograph: Stepan Vidnianskyi, Mykola Vehesh: Avgustyn Voloshyn and Carpathian Ukraine in the History of the Ukrainian State-Building. Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2021. 372 p. Потреба духовного лідера. Рецензія на монографію: Віднянський С. В., Вегеш М. М. Августин Волошин і Карпатська Україна в історії українського державотворення. Київ: НАН України, Інститут історії України, 2021. 372 с. Skhidnoievropeiskyi Istorychnyi Visnyk. Issue 22. 2022. 251–256 р.uk
dc.description.abstractUnder the conditions of increasingly rapid globalization, intensive linguistic and cultural contacts the problem of the preservation of unity and identity of the nation arises. Ukraine, which has celebrated the 30th anniversary of its independence recently, faces the task of impartially assessing the contribution of politicians, military, artists, educators, scientists, and clergy – those whose names have been concealed, distorted or banned. Reliable recommendations for protecting the identity of the state and the possibility of its development in new, often unfavourable socio-political circumstances are given by an objective historical analysis of the Ukrainian statehood over a certain period of its development through the prism of understanding the role and significance of great historical figures, their life experience, beliefs and actions, understanding their fate in the context of a particular historical epoch. Such a complex, laborious, but at the same time relevant and tempting both theoretically and practically task was set by S. V. Vidnyansky and M. M. Vehesh in a peer-reviewed
dc.subjectАвгустин Волошин, Карпатська Україна, державотворчі процеси, біографіяuk
dc.titleПотреба духовного лідера. Рецензія на монографію: Віднянський С. В., Вегеш М. М. Августин Волошин і Карпатська Україна в історії українського державотворенняuk
dc.title.alternativeThe need for a spiritual leader. Review of the monograph: Stepan Vidnianskyi, Mykola Vehesh: Avgustyn Voloshyn and Carpathian Ukraine in the History of the Ukrainian State-Building. Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2021. 372
Appears in Collections:500Рецензії кафедри політології і державного управління

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