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Title: Eutanasia : teoretical and legal principles
Authors: Бєлова, Мирослава Володимирівна
Бєлов, Дмитро Миколайович
Keywords: euthanasia, bioethics, medical procedures, termination of human lifе, murder
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Hromovchuk M. Eutanasia : teoretical and legal principles / D. Byelov, M. Hromovchuk // Journal of Legal Studies. Cluj-Napoka, 2019. — Vol. 24 No. 38. — P. 44-52.
Abstract: Some aspects of the possibility of using euthanasia are covered. The author draws attention to the relation between the categories "euthanasia" and "bioethics". The emphasis has been placed on the legal and medical aspects of the applying of euthanasia, based on the practice of the Netherlands.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 2457-9017
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри конституційного права та порівняльного правознавства

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