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dc.contributor.authorЛіхтей, Ігор Михайлович-
dc.identifier.citationLICHTEJ, Igor. Dokumenty Štátneho archívu Zakarpatskej oblasti o pobyte sestier Rádu sv. Bazila Veľkého v Prešovskej gréckokatolíckej eparchii // Historia Ecclesiastica. 2022, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p76-92.uk
dc.descriptionEV 4273/11uk
dc.description.abstractThe publication contains a selection of documents of the State Archives of Zakarpattia region on the deployment of activities in the Presov Greek Catholic Diocese of Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great. The documents cover the period from 1922 to 1935. These are the information of the Zhupa Governor of Sharish Zhupa to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Prague, the answers of the Zhupa Governor of Koshice and the Apostolic Administrator of the Preshov Greek Catholic Diocese Dionysius Nyaryadi to the management of the Ministry of School Education and Public Education in Bratislava, about the report of the police com- missariat in Preshov to the administration of Koshice Zhupa and some other materials. These documents provide a brief history of the functioning of the Order of St. Basil the Great in East- ern Slovakia, the position of officials regarding the settlement of the Basilian sisters in Prеshоv is substantiated, their activity in that city is mentioned and the personal composition of the nuns in the period from 1922 to 1925 and in 1935 is given. Although the presented documents of the State Archives of Zakarpattia region do not allow reproduction of the whole process of establishing the Sisters of the Order of Basil the Great in the Greek Catholic Diocese of Preshov, they shed light on some aspects of their difficult path to ascetic work in this diocese.uk
dc.publisherPrešov: Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity v Prešoveuk
dc.subjectSisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great,uk
dc.subjectPreshov Greek Catholic Diocese,uk
dc.subjectPidkarpatska Rus,uk
dc.subjectState Archives of Zakarpattia region,uk
dc.subjectishop Dionysius Nyaradi,uk
dc.subjectVicar Mykola Rusnakuk
dc.titleDokumenty Štátneho archívu Zakarpatskej oblasti o pobyte sestier Rádu sv. Bazila Veľkého v Prešovskej gréckokatolíckej eparchiiuk
dc.title.alternativeDocuments of the State Archives of Zakarpattia region on the settlement of sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great in the Presov Greek Catholic Dioceseuk
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