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dc.contributor.authorЧерленяк, Іван Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorТокар, Маріан Юрійович-
dc.identifier.citationCherlenіak, I., & Tokar, M. (2024). Effective governance and the doctrine of “total defence” as factors of state stability in wartime. Democratic Governance, 17(1), 5-17. doi: 10.23939/dg2024.05. URL:
dc.identifier.issne-ISSN 2070-4038-
dc.description.abstractIn wartime, effective governance and the doctrine of “total defence” are critical factors that ensure the stability, security, and sovereignty of the state. The purpose of this study was to investigate the aspects of the effectiveness of management of the national security and defence system of the state. Analytical modelling of the systemic components of Ukraine’s resilience in wartime through the lens of the total defence doctrine and the concept of social self-organisation was used. The study investigated the barriers and difficulties in preparing the public authorities of Ukraine for effective management of resistance to the threats of hybrid warfare and threats of a full-scale high-intensity war along the entire line of the state border of Ukraine with the Russian Federation. The study analysed the specific features of the lowintensity hybrid war of 2014-2021 and the specific features of the initial stage of the high-intensity war of 2022. The study considered the achievements, omissions, shortcomings, and mistakes of public administration bodies and official systems in the first stages of the full-scale invasion of the Russian occupation forces into the cities and villages of Ukraine. It was shown that as a result, the Ukrainian defence forces were unable to organise an effective response to the largescale invasion of Russian troops in a prompt and complete manner. The study analysed the principles of organisation of the total defence system by public administration bodies of the Scandinavian and Baltic States. It was proved that at the present stage of the country’s defence, the concept of strengthening the resilience of the country’s social, economic, and military potential should be the most expedient. It was substantiated that in a high-intensity positional war, effective public administration should be based on the concept of resilience, which is systematically linked to the doctrine of total defence of Ukraine. The findings of this study can be used by governments and civil society institutions for management and coordination strategies for agencies in times of
dc.publisherНаціональний університет "Львівська Політехніка" / LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITYuk
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 1 (17);-
dc.subjectpreservation of statehooduk
dc.subjectstate securityuk
dc.subjectmanagement systemuk
dc.subjectзбереження державностіuk
dc.subjectдержавна безпекаuk
dc.subjectсистема управлінняuk
dc.subjecttotal defenceuk
dc.subjectтотальна оборонаuk
dc.titleEffective governance and the doctrine of “total defence” as factors of state stability in wartimeuk
dc.title.alternativeЕфективне управління та доктрина «тотальної оборони» як фактори стійкості держави в умовах воєнного часуuk
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри соціології і соціальної роботи

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