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Title: Окремі аспекти класифікації принципів сімейного права
Authors: Менджул, Марія Василівна
Keywords: principle, regulatory certainty, classification, legislation, family law
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Менджул М.В. Окремі аспекти класифікації принципів сімейного права / М.В. Менджул // EURASIAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH JOURNAL. MULTILANGUAGE SCIENCE JOURNAL. Yerevan. – 2016. – № 1. - С. 114-118.
Abstract: In the article the definition of the principles of family law is studied, comparative analysis of different scientific approaches to their classification is provided. An own approach to the classification of the principles of family law is provided, in particular: on criteria of their action (general principles of family law and the principles of the institutions of family law), legal and regulatory certainty (absolutely defined, relatively defined and not defined in the legislation), as well as depending on the source (defined: in family law rules, as in the rules of constitutional and family law, in the rules of civil and family law).
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри цивільного права та процесу

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