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Title: Концептуальні підходи до визначення сутності інновацій
Other Titles: Conceptual approaches to defining the essence of innovations
Authors: Святогор, В.В.
Keywords: інновація, новація, винахід, відкриття
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Видавництво УжНУ "Говерла"
Citation: Концептуальні підходи до визначення сутності інновацій [Текст] / В. В. Святогор // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету : серія: Економіка; збірник наукових праць / редкол.: В.П. Мікловда, В.І. Ярема та ін. – Ужгород : Вид-во УжНУ "Говерла", 2016. – Вип. 2 (48). – С. 41–46. – Бібліогр.: с. 45–46 (13 назв).
Abstract: У статті окреслено та проаналізовано концептуальні підходи різних вчених до визначення поняття „інновації”, яке розглядається в просторовому та часовому розрізах. Досліджено історичні етапи процесу становлення інновацій. Розглянуто дефініції інновацій та суміжних понять. У дослідженні підкреслено необхідність пізнання сутності інновацій з метою ефективного керуючого впливу на інноваційну діяльність. Обґрунтовано важливість інновацій для підвищення конкурентоспроможності як для окремих підприємств, так і країн загалом. Ключові слова: інновація, новація, винахід, відкриття.
The article identified and analyzed the conceptual approaches of various scientists to the definition of “innovation”, which is seen in the spatial and temporal sections. As analyzed, innovation is the commercial application of new more efficient technologies that are fundamentally changing the size, structure and quality of production and consumption; it exists in a form of new or improved goods or services (innovation - product) of processes (innovation - the process). Great attention is paid to the study of conceptual approaches to defining the essence of innova-tion through the prism of the historical stages of the formation process of innovation. The first stage (1910 - 1930) was the formation of basic theory of innovation: which dealt with the relationship of innovation and long cycles, proposed "technological" explanation of long waves and formed the core of the theory of innovation. The second stage (1940 – 1960) in the development of innovation issued in the economic literature which characterized the development of the individual, in particular, macroeconomic ideas incorporated in the first stage. In the third phase (mid-1970’s.) was the explosive growth in the number of publications on the subject of innovation, new ideas, associated primarily with the development of evolutionary theory, the concept of innovation manage-ment, consideration of innovation at the firm level. The fourth stage of innovation (mid 90’s- present) investigates the methods of system analy-sis. At this time there is avalanche-like increase in the number of publi-cations, primarily under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on innovation policies and developing effective innovation systems. There is a substantial increase of the applied aspects of the innovation theory that is considered extremely complex for the social and economic systems, the activated prediction of individual innovation, markets and technologies. We have consider the definition of innovation and related concepts. The study emphasized the need for knowledge of the essence of innovation in order to effectively control the impact on innovation. The importance of innovation to improve competitiveness for individual companies and for nations in general has been proved. It has bee revealed that conceptual approaches to defining the essence of innovation are as follows. Schumpeter’s Theory of Innovation is a complete and self-sufficient theoretical system, which develops a content category of innovation and examines the basic laws of economic development. It also must state a role in the process of innovation and inventions, entrepreneurs (innovators and imitators) monetary system monopoly as a result of anticipating commercialization of inventions and ideas. The closest parallels to Schumpeter’s concept of innovation are founded within the modern theory of cycles (linking innovation and long waves) as well as Nelson and Winter’s evolutionary theory (evolutionary process of "creative destruction"). Where the aspect of innovation is also central. Keywords: innovation, novation, invention, discovery.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія: Економіка. Випуск 2 (48) - 2016

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