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Title: Mikrovyučovanie z pohľadu študentov
Authors: Оросова, Рената
Староста, Володимир Іванович
Keywords: microeducation, stages of microeducation, pre-gradual preparation, professional competences
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach
Citation: Mikrovyučovanie z pohľadu študentov // Zborník abstraktov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie: Výchova a vzdelávanie 2016: Pedagóg a jeho perspektívy v kontexte súčasnej edukačnej praxe (Filozofická fakulta UPJŠ v Košiciach, 12. - 13. septembra 2016). – Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach: Košice, 2016. S. 97. ISBN 978-80-8152-434-9.
Abstract: The paper presents the partial results of the research on the implementation of microeducation into the pre-gradual preparation of future teachers at the Faculty of Education, Mukachevo State University. The microeducation was carried out within three subjects of the study plans in primary and pre-primary education. The research employed the concepts of the microeducation and microeducation analysis designed at the Department of Education, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, which is addressing the given research problem. The questionnaire method was used to identify the opinions and attitudes of students regarding the method of microeducation; they encountered it for the first time during their pre-gradual preparation.
Type: Text
Publication type: Тези до статті
ISBN: 978-80-8152-434-9
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри загальної педагогіки та педагогіки вищої школи

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