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Название: Higher education of Ukraine and the needs of consumers
Другие названия: Higher education of Ukraine and the needs of consumers
Авторы: Брітченко, Ігор Геннадійович
Maciaszczyk, Pawieł
Chaika, Inna
Britchenko, Igor
Ключевые слова: marketing activity, system of responding to consumer needs, road map of the event, diagram of systematization of the process, quality of educational service, system efficiency, działania marketingowe, reakcja systemu do potrzeb klientów, mapa drogowa zdarzenia, schemat procesu systematyzacji, jakości usług edukacyjnych, efektywność systemu
Дата публикации: 2017
Издательство: London: CRC Press
Библиографическое описание: Higher education of Ukraine and the needs of consumers / P. Maciaszczyk, I. Chaika, I. Britchenko // Proceeding of the International Conference on Marketing, Management, Trade, Financial and Social Aspects of Business (MTS 2017), May 18-20, Kosice, Slovak Republic and Tarnobrzeg, Poland. – London: CRC Press. – 2017. – eBook ISBN 9781351672726
Краткий осмотр (реферат): In the article the theoretical and practical aspects of the system to respond to the needs of consumers in the enterprise, service provider, analyzed the obstacles implementing such a system and the ways to overcome them. The aim of the paper is the development of theoretical approaches and practical recommendations for the formation of a system to respond to the needs of consumers in the company that provides the service. Theoretical and methodological foundation work was to study and rethink works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on improving marketing activities, services based on the formation of a system to respond to the needs of consumers. Based on systematic methods, structural analysis, causal analysis, synthesis and argumentation proposed system respond to the needs of consumers in higher education (universities). The importance of formation of the system to respond to the needs of consumers for Ukrainian universities and determined its structural components; classified obstacles to implementation in Ukrainian university system to respond to the needs of consumers and the ways to overcome them; Chart systematization process designed event involving consumers and roadmap event (for example, of "Career Day").
W artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty systemu reagowania na potrzeby konsumentów w przedsiębiorstwie, usługodawcą, przeanalizowano przeszkody wdrożenia takiego systemu oraz sposoby ich przezwyciężenia. Celem pracy jest opracowanie koncepcji teoretycznych i praktycznych zaleceń dotyczących tworzenia systemu reagowania na potrzeby klientów w firmie, która świadczy usługę.
Описание: In the article the theoretical and practical aspects of the system to respond to the needs of consumers in the enterprise, service provider, analyzed the obstacles implementing such a system and the ways to overcome them. The aim of the paper is the development of theoretical approaches and practical recommendations for the formation of a system to respond to the needs of consumers in the company that provides the service. Theoretical and methodological foundation work was to study and rethink works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on improving marketing activities, services based on the formation of a system to respond to the needs of consumers. Based on systematic methods, structural analysis, causal analysis, synthesis and argumentation proposed system respond to the needs of consumers in higher education (universities). The importance of formation of the system to respond to the needs of consumers for Ukrainian universities and determined its structural components; classified obstacles to implementation in Ukrainian university system to respond to the needs of consumers and the ways to overcome them; Chart systematization process designed event involving consumers and roadmap event (for example, of "Career Day").
Тип: Text
Тип публикации: Стаття
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/17749
ISBN: 9781351672726
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові публікації кафедри фінансів і банківської справи

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