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Title: Inclusive production of pions by protons in nuclei at low energies
Authors: Гайсак, Іван Іванович
Guber, F.F.
Kazarnovskii, M.V.
Krasnov, V.A.
Kurepin, A.B.
Nazaruk, V.I.
Reshetin, A.I.
Akimov, Yu.K.
Gaisak, I.I.
Merzlyakov, S.I.
Oganesyan, K.O.
Pasyuk, E.A.
Porokhovoi, S.Yu.
Keywords: pions, protons, nuclei, inclusive reaction, impuls approximation, distorted waves
Issue Date: 1980
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Citation: F.F.Guber et al. Inclusive production of pions by protons in nuclei at low energies // JETP Lett., Vol. 31, No. 11, 1980, p.656-659.
Abstract: The results of measurements of the inclusive production of π+ mesons by protons in carbon and copper nuclei at an energy of 240 MeV, i.e., below the production threshold in a free nucleon, are satisfactorily described by calculations performed on the basis of an impulse approximation with distorted waves.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 0370-274X
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації відділення фізики ядра та елементарних частинок

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