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Authors: Тиховська, Оксана Михайлівна
Keywords: архетип, водяник, демонологія, міфологія, психоаналіз, страх, Тінь, фольклор, archetype, demonology, folklore, mythology, merman, psychoanalysis, fear, The Shade.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: «Редакційно-видавничий відділ МДУ»
Citation: Тиховська О. Психоаналітичний аспект образу водяника в українській міфології / Оксана Тиховська // Вісник МДУ. Серія: Філологія. – Маріуполь: МДУ, 2018. – Вип.18. – С.121-127.
Series/Report no.: Вип.18.;
Abstract: У статті осмислюється образ водяника як персоніфікований образ архетипу Тіні. Крізь призму психоаналізу розглянуто народні демонологічні вірування Закарпаття (на основі фольклорно-етнографічної розвідки Ф. Потушняка «Демоны въ народномъ вѣрованіи», 1940 р.). Водяник трактується як уособлення страху людини перед стихією води, непізнаною частиною її власної душі, деструктивним аспектом психіки, який може зруйнувати впорядкований лад звичного життя.
Description: In the article the image of a merman is conceptualized as a personified image of archetype of Shade. Through the prism of psychoanalysis the folk demonological beliefs of Transcarpathia are considered (on the basis of F. Potushnyak’s work “Demons in folk belief”, 1940). The image of merman is closely connected with water element and the notion of it was preserved in beliefs of Slavic people. Some nations, according to the observation of F. Potushnyak, connect the whole underwater world with palaces, gemstones and mysterious animals with the image of a merman. But in Transcarpathia the notion of it yields to the notions of vampires, drowned men and brownies which are more relevant according to geographical positions and people outlooks. In Transcarpathia there was a belief that a merman looks like a short man wearing green clothes (or covered with fur on which the water drips flowing from under his arm. Such side of a merman is very close to the ancient pagan notions of patron-deities of nature. Accordingly, like when it should be sacrificed and a merman needs this offerings, according to the folk beliefs. Different kinds of sacrifices could serve as specific “buying off” a man of the death or of destroying of his/her life and farm. At the same time the folk beliefs had some fatal shading: nothing happens accidentally – if water spirit chooses sacrifice, do not tread on his toes. Mentioning of the necessity of appeasing a merman we can found in transcarpathian fairy tale “About groom-frog” (collection of works “Fairy Tales of Carpathian mountains”). Here a merman is the owner of wonderful well and demands from people different offers such as flowers or wreath during weddings. The ability of a merman to make friends with fishermen and to help them reflects positive content of this mythological image and strengthens its archetypical nature. Archetypes are dualistic and such folk beliefs metaphorically reassess the attitude of a man to the own unknowable potential of the psychics, instinctive nature and find constructive element in it. Human belief that it is possible to negotiate with threatening unknowable content of unconscious was embodied in stories about communication between fishermen and a merman or his help to millers. That fact that a merman avoids people and can become visible only for one person emphasizes an archetypical nature of this demonic image. A merman is personified man fear of unknowable part of his/her own soul – of negative Shade, destructive aspect of psychics which can destroy structured order of usual life and outlook. The fear to be drowned in water, or metaphorically – in own destructive emotions and instincts is objectified in human imagination in the image of a merman (anthropomorphic and zoomorphic evil creatures). Thus, personification of fear itself is happened and in such a way psychical, nervous tension is weaken and something terrible and unknown becomes visible and that is why it is not so fearful because it can be seen. The most intense fear is a fear of something abstract and indeterminate, but when we can see the object of our anxiety it loses some demonic features. So, the notion of a merman is a part of old pagan beliefs which were kept in Ukrainian beliefs, mythological legends and fairy tales. It is also a specific psychological method of getting rid of the fear of water element and dark alter-ego of person, destructive influence of negative Shade (the archetype of collective unconscious) on person’s life.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри української літератури

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