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Title: Реконструкція розвитку лексико-семантичної системи середньоанглійської мови
Authors: Добровольська, Оксана Ярославівна
Keywords: language evolution, language change, reconstruction techniques, lexical and semantic system, Middle English, occupational term., мовна еволюція, мовна зміна, методика реконструкції, лексико-семантична система, середньоанглійська мова, лексико-семантична система, агентивно-професійна лексика.
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Вісник МДУ. Серія: Філологія. (17). Маріуполь, 2017. С. 123─130.
Series/Report no.: 17;
Abstract: У статті досліджено системну стабільністі системних і позамовних чинників, зокрема вперше в ракурсі внутрішніх та зовнішніх чинників мовної еволюції досліджено розвиток лексико-семантичної системи середньоанглійської мови шляхом опису мовних змін у проявах їхнього варіювання у вигляді комплексного інтегративного дослідження лексико-семантичної групи агентивно-професійних назв.The problem considered in this paper is the system stability of the Middle English vocabulary and its dialectical unity with the development according to the universal laws of dialectics and general trends of language evolution as a result of systemic and extra-lingual factors. The scientific innovation of the results obtained in this paper are the following: for the first time from the viewpoint of internal and external factors of language development the evolution of the Middle English lexical and semantic system has been researched by means of studying language changes in their variations (functional, phonographic, lexical-morphological, lexical and semantic, nominative variability) in the form of complex integrative analysis of the lexical and semantic group of the Middle English terms of occupation and office, used as the proper / common noun, aimed at exploring language changes on the lexical level as the holistic complex of linguistic characteristics of the lexical and semantic group. On the basis of new factual data of Middle English and new comprehensive techniques of its study, the following general linguistic phenomena have been confirmed: 1. the force of general laws of dialectics (comprehensive coherence of phenomena; functional determination of language element characteristics; the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative; the unity and confrontation of diversities, esp. between the new and the old, the force of principles of analogy; the negation of opposition; the controversy between the needs and the means of expression); 2. the influence of the external factors on the language development (the influence of other languages, especially through lexical assimilation; demographic shifts), which is manifested in the lexical regularities (correlation between the displacement of the native vocabulary and the preservation of language qualitative specificity) to solve the problem of ‘mixed composition’ of the English language; 3. the influence of the internal factors of language development, which is manifested in: 1) the tendency to create words of simple morphological structure; 2) the tendency to the economy of language means; 3) the tendency to use more expressive forms; 4. theory of language evolution in the following forms: 1) the tendency to regulate the structural organization of the language system; 2) the tendency to use more formal nominating units; 3) the tendency to preserve language stability; 4) the tendency to the growth of functional variability; 5) the tendency to increase functional stratification; 6) the general thrust of language to the gradual complication and improvement of the lexical and semantic system.
Description: URL:
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: ISSN 2226-3055 (Print) ISSN 2415-3168 (Online).
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри іноземних мов

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