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Title: Підзаконна правотворчість: теоретико-правові аспекти
Other Titles: Sub-legislative law-making: theoretical and legal aspects
Подзаконное правотворчество:теоретико-правовые аспекты
Authors: Попович, Терезія Петрівна
Стрічик, Ярослав
Keywords: правотворча діяльність, підзаконна правотворчість, ознаки підзаконної правотворчості, види підзаконної правотворчості, підзаконний акт
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Попович Т. П., Стрічик Я. Я. Підзаконна правотворчість: теоретико-правові аспекти. Приватне та публічне право. 2018. № 2. С. 12-16
Abstract: У статті досліджуються особливості регулювання суспільних відносин на рівні підзаконної правотворчості. Зосереджено увагу на її понятті, сутнісних ознаках та різновидах за суб’єктним критерієм. Розглянуто значення підзаконної правотворчості у правовому регулюванні. Адже завжди існує об’єктивна потреба в уточненні правової регламентації суспільних відносин, що первинно регламентуються нормативними актами вищої юридичної сили. До того ж зазначено, що існування підзаконної правотворчості повинно сприяти єдності та узгодженості правових приписів між собою і створювати передумови для ефективної реалізації цих приписів у процесі розвитку суспільних відносин.
In this article the law-making is considered as a specific form of activity of authorized entities, which consists of the issuance, change or cancellation of legal norms and aims at regulating social relations through their normative consolidation. Thus, the result of law-making activity is the creation of new legal rules for the regulation of certain public relations. The main stress is put on the peculiarities within regulation of social relations in the field of sub-law-making. The attention is focused on its concept, the essential features and varieties according to the subject criterion. At the same time, it is obvious that sub-legislative law-making has features that characterize the law-making activity in general, as well as those that reveal its special nature. The following can be attributed to the general: – the purpose of this activity, consisting in the creation, modification, termination, systematization of legal regulations; – the implementation of such activity by a specially authorized person of law-making actor; – is a process consisting of successive stages, regulated by the rules of law; – formal expression of this activity results, that is expressed through their fixation in external forms (sources) of law. – Specific features of such activities include: – the focus on specification and clarification of the requirements contained in legislative acts; – the simplicity and efficiency of such activities (in comparison with lawmaking); – a wider range of subjects of this activity (in comparison with law-making activity) . In particular, with such powers are endowed: public authorities (mainly the head of state and executive bodies) and local self-government bodies. In addition, sub-legislative law-making is also carried out by the governing bodies of enterprises, institutions and organizations with the aim to regulate the internal structure and to order of their activities, which are expressed in the acts of internal-organizational nature (local acts); – greater differentiation of law-making procedures depending on the specifics of the authority of the subject; – different legal force of expression of the forms within the results of this activity. In addition, the article describes the specifics on the implementation of sub-law-making by the highest state bodies, in particular, the Verkhovna Rada , the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The attention is also given to the departmental (sectoral) lawmaking of ministries and other central executive bodies. Besides, sub-legislative law-making at local and local levels is considered. In turn, it is stated that sub-legislative law-making, depending on the direction of the activity, can be classified as the law-establishing and law-enforcement law-making. At the same time, it is noted that despite the significant essential difference between these types, they are common by the fact that it should be carried out exclusively in accordance with the law and cannot be implemented in case that they are not foreseen by the law. At the same time, the significance and place of sub-legislative law-making in legal regulation are considered. It is noted that its important role is determined by the objective need to clarify the legal regulation of social relations, which is primarily regulated by normative acts of higher legal force, and the sub-legal acts provide the elaboration of the legislative provisions, determine the procedures for their entry into force, specify the mechanisms for the law provisions’ implementation and contain the regulation on the order of their implementation being aggregate represents the provision of the possibilities for the implementation of the legislative prescriptions at the practical level. And at the very end, it is stated that the existence of sub-legislative law-making should promote the unity and consistency of legal requirements among themselves and to create the preconditions for the effective implementation of these prescriptions in the process of social relations’ development.
В статье исследуются особенности регулирования общественных отношений на уровне подзаконного правотворчества. Сосредоточено внимание на его понятии, сущностных характеристиках и разновидностях за субъектным критерием. Рассмотрено значение подзаконного правотворчества в правовом регулировании. Ведь всегда существует объективная потребность в уточнении правовой регламентации общественных отношений, которые первично регламентируются нормативными актами высшей юридической силы. К тому же отмечено, что существование подзаконного правотворчества должно способствовать единству и согласованности правовых предписаний между собой и создавать предпосылки для эффективной реализации данных предписаний в процессе развития общественных отношений.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри теорії та історії держави і права

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