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Title: Social development of easternу Slovakia as a factor of cross–border cooperation
Authors: Konechny, S.
Keywords: Eastern Slovakia, cross-border cooperation, social structure, economic activity
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: ZaKSU
Citation: Konechny, S. Social development of easternу Slovakia as a factor of cross–border cooperation [Текст] / S. Konechny // Geopolitics of Ukraine: history and modern times : Methodology and toolsis of transborder cooperation: proceedings of international scientific - practical conference. – Ужгород : ЗакДУ, 2013. – Issue 11. – P. 207-220. – bibliogr.:p.216-218 (18 names).
Abstract: The social structure of Eastern Slovakia in comparison with other regions constantly demonstrates some specifi c features. They are a refl ection of the geographical and natural conditions, and especially political, demographic, economic and cultural development in the past and the present. Level of economic activity, sectoral and social structure of the population determines the level of life and opportunities for the region. These are important factors that also constantly affect the nature, extent and dynamics of contacts, relations and cooperation between actors from both sides of the border with Poland, Hungary and Ukraine. Therefore, this fact has to be constantly refl ected in the methodological training, studies of cross-border cooperation in Eastern Slovakia and within the assessment of its prospects for the future.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Геополітика України: історія і сучасність. Вип. 11 2013

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