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Title: Environmentálny prístup v chemickom vzdelávaní na slovenských základných školách.
Authors: Лабінська, Оксана
Староста, Володимир Іванович
Keywords: environmental issues, environmental education, curriculum
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Labinska Oksana, Starosta Volodymyr. Environmentálny prístup v chemickom vzdelávaní na slovenských základných školách. Časopis časopis pre školy Biológia, ekológia, chémia. Trnavská univerzita v Trnave. ročník 22 číslo 2 2018 ISSN 1338-1024 s.19-24.
Abstract: The article raised questions on ecologization of the educational process and the role of chemical knowledge in the environmental upbringing and education of students. The analysis & topic comparing is realized according to the submitted Curriculum of environmental education for primary and secondary schools/ Environmental minimum / Učebné osnovy environmentálnej výchovy pre základné a stredné školy / as the basis of environmental education, with the curriculum for secondary schools and explaining these topics in the textbooks on chemistry; conclusion is made that chemistry takes an important role in forming the students’ environmental conception of the world, helps them understand their role in preserving the environment, and from it follows the important role of teachers of chemistry and raising the prestige of chemistry as the science and popularization of chemical knowledge
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 1338-1024
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри загальної педагогіки та педагогіки вищої школи

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