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Authors: Хохол, Тетяна
Keywords: Вишеградська четвірка, квоти, Європейський Союз, Брекзит, мігранти, криза, Visegrad Four, quotas, European Union, Brexit, migrants, crisis
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: УжНУ
Citation: Хохол, Т. Сучасний потенціал впливу Вишегородської групи на формування політики ЄС [Текст] / Т. Хохол // Геополітика України: історія і сучасність : зб. наук. пр. / ред. кол.: І. В. Артьомов (голов. ред.) та ін. – Ужгород : ДВНЗ "УжНУ", 2019. – №Вип. 1 (22). – С. 128-137. – Бібліогр.: с. 136-137 (5 назв).
Abstract: У статті досліджено вплив країн Вишеградської четвірки на поточний стан справ у Європейському Союзі, їх роль у форму- ванні загальноєвропейської політики, враховуючи чинник сучас- ної кризи. Окрему увагу автор звертає на позицію країн Вишегра- ду щодо міграційної політики ЄС.
The idea of Visegrad cooperation came about at the end of 1989, after democratic transformations took place in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, and the new authorities proclaimed a course towards European integration. The breakdown of economic ties with the Soviet Union has led to problems, and there was a need to fi nd new markets and new opportunities for economic cooperation. A logical solution was the internal consolidation and economic integration of those post-communist countries that at that time seemed the most mature and consistent on the way to Europe. The peak of activity of the Visegrad Four came from the 1990s and ended in 2004, when all four countries became members of the European Union. Actually, this was the main purpose of the Visegrad Group – to unite the eff orts of the member states in the process of preparation for integration into the EU. Today, the Visegrad Four is a powerful regional entity within the EU, which has a constructive impact on the process of European integration. Cooperation between the members of B4 is through regular contacts and coordination of common positions on various issues, which are subsequently presented at the EU forums. Its active activities are aimed at the development of Central Europe both at the level of regional co-operation and the European Union as a whole, defending the common interests of states before Brussels, as well as maintaining the identity of the region within the EU and NATO. Therefore, the unifi - cation of Central European countries primarily serves as an institution whose purpose is to protect and promote their own national or common interests of the Visegrad countries. The priority issues in the Visegrad Group are issues related to the volume and distribution of subsidies from the European budget, which depends on the development of EU member states. Over the past few years, the European Union has faced a number of serious challenges that have cast doubt on its continued existence. It seems that the European design, which has been carefully erected for decades, is cracking at the seams. Debt crisis, Greek problem, migration crisis, crisis management – the whole “chain” of crises clearly demonstrates the failure of European states and institutions. This article explores the impact of Visegrad countries policy on the current situation in the European Union, their role in shaping pan-European policy, taking into account the factor of the modern crisis. Special att ention is drawn to the position of Visegrad on EU migration policy.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Геополітика України: історія і сучасність. Вип. 1(22) 2019

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