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Title: Chronic salt environment as a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases of salt mine workers
Authors: Fatula, M.I.
Bletskan, M. M.
Svistak, V. V.
Rishko, O. A.
Фатула, Михайло Іванович
Блецкан, Мирослава Михайлівна
Свистак, Василина Василівна
Рішко, Олександр Адальбертович
Keywords: sodium chloride, сhrопiс salt епчirопmепt, аrtеriаl hуреrtепsiоп, ischemic heart disease
Issue Date: 2014
Citation: Fatula M.I. Chronic salt environment as a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases of salt mine workers / M.I.Fatula, M.M.Bletskan, V.V.Svistak, O.A. Rishko // INTER medical journal. – 2014. - №1(1). – P. 43-45.
Abstract: This рареr examines the iпfluепсе of the enviTonment оп the соursе of cardiovasculaT diseases of people who live and work in conditions of ксhrопiс salt епчirопmепt}), It also views the epidenliology of cardiovas- сulаr disease among salt mine wогkегs as wel1 as pathophysiologlcal mechanisms оf hуреrtепsiоп development and its clinical features in the biogeochemical Carpathian region with а high content of sodium chloride in епчiгопmепtаl objects (soil, wаtец food) and the impact of production factors of salt mine on the human body.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри факультетської терапії

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