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Название: Специфіка великодньої обрядовості Закарпаття
Авторы: Тиховська, Оксана Михайлівна
Ключевые слова: Ф. Потушняк, Великдень, великодні вогні, весняна обрядовість, ритуал, обряд, паска, писанка, повір’я
Дата публикации: 2019
Издательство: ДВНЗ "УжНУ"
Библиографическое описание: Тиховська, О. Специфіка великодньої обрядовості Закарпаття [Текст] / О. Тиховська // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету : серія: Філологія; / ред.кол.: Н. Венжинович (гол.), Г. Шумицька та ін. – Ужгород : ПП Данило С. І., 2019. – Вип. 1(41). – С.139-145
Серия/номер: Філологія;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): У статті розглянуто великодні обряди Закарпаття, зафіксовані Ф. Потушняком у 1944 році й опубліковані в газеті «Недѣля». Акцентовано на семантиці великодніх вогнів, паски, писанки в уявленні українців, їх зв’язку з культом предків, сонцем, магією. Наголошено на маловідомих обрядах, що виконувались у великодню ніч, та повір’ях, які зумовлювали ритуальну поведінку під час свята.
The article considered Easter ceremonies of Transcarpathia which were fixed by F.Potushnyak in 1 944 and were published in «Sunday». The stress was made on semantics of Easter fires, paskas (Easter cakes) and Easter eggs in the conception of Ukrainians, their connection with ancestors’ cult, sun and magic. Attention was paid on little-known ceremonies which were performed at Easter night and superstitions which determined ritual behavior during the festival. Aim of the article: to analyze Easter system of rites of Transcarpathia of the middle of ХХ century on the basis of F. Potushnyak’s works, to find out psychological prerequisites of appearance of rituals and beliefs, to reflect on Easter image-symbols through the prism of psychoanalysis. Easter ceremonies played a great role in life of Ukrainians. According to the observation of F. Potushnyak the character of the life process always has a shape of a circle, he separated “big circle” which is a period of person life and “small circle” which lasts a year. Outstanding place in «small circle» has Easter and the image of the Sun is closely related to it. In spring games we can often see the image of circle or wheel which is transformed idea of the Sun and year circle. According to the theory of K.-G. Junge, circle is a symbol of God as well as cross and quaternity. Year circle which contains four opposite periods is likened to the symbol of Self which is also overlapped with quaternity. Easter rituals approved the idea of continuity of human life, emphasized the possibility of structuring of personal and world space. Thus, songs (vesnyanky, gaivky, other songs) had semantics of magic texts which could change the quality of life. Personbecamemetaphoricallyclosedtomythicsacredtimeandtransformedtoco-creatorof «divine» historyandinsuchawayapproved the value of her life. Easter is closely connected with the image of the Sun which symbolized God and archetype of Self as well. This holiday make a model of archetypical scenario of individuation through the understanding of the story about Jesus Christ resurrection (the Sun was symbolic correspondent of him in pagan religion). Person gets a belief into possibility of rebirth, resurrection of spirit and body. AndalltheattributesofEasterstrengthenthisbelief: ritualfire, paska, paintedegg (krashankaorpysanka) isasso ciatedwithsolarenergywhichhelpstoawaken nature and positive changes in the life of a person who took part in Easter rituals.
Тип: Text
Тип публикации: Стаття
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/27751
Располагается в коллекциях:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія: Філологія. Випуск 1(41) - 2019

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