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Title: Поетика повісті Михайла Гафії Трайсти " У ніч на святого Андрія"
Authors: Вотьканич, Мар’яна Іванівна
Keywords: повість, композиція, персонаж, готична проза, Михайло Гафія Трайста
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: ДВНЗ "УжНУ"
Citation: Вотьканич, М. Поетика повісті Михайла Гафії Трайсти " У ніч на святого Андрія" [Текст] / М. Вотьканич // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету : серія: Філологія; / ред.кол.: Н. Венжинович (гол.), Г. Шумицька та ін. – Ужгород : ПП Данило С. І., 2019. – Вип. 2(42) : На пошану професора Василя Добоша ( до 95-річчя від дня народження). – С.144-148
Series/Report no.: Філологія;
Abstract: У статті проаналізовано особливості композиції, елементи міфологізму, зокрема, авторську інтерпре- тацію образу вовкулаки, жанрово-стильову своєрідність повісті «У ніч на святого Андрія» українськомовного пись- менника Румунії Михайла Гафії Трайсти. З’ясовано риси готичної прози та детективного жанру у творі, наголошено на інтертекстуальному характері окремих фрагментів повісті.
Mykhailo Gafia Traista is a bright representative of Ukrainian literature in Romania, poet, novelist, playwright, journalist, translator, public figure, and author of more than twenty fiction books. In general, the writer’s fiction background is not sufficiently covered in literary studies, which makes the research relevant. To represent the originality of M. Traista’s individual style, we turned to the collection of works by the author, “Between Love and Death”, published in 2016. The uniqueness of Mikhail Gafia Traista’s creative handwriting, his ability to take into account the aesthetic tastes and psychological features of the reader is well evidenced by the story «In the Night on St. Andrew», which was included in the collection. Therefore, we have set ourselves the purpose of tracing the features of the poetics of this work. The article under consideration analyzes the structural organization of the text – it is found out that the composition of the story is a collage character: the fragments act in concert, serve the same purpose, but at the same time have relative autonomy, substantive completeness. By comparing it with studies of Ukrainian folklore, elements of mythologism in the work were analyzed, in particular, the author’s interpretation of the image of the werewolf. The features of Gothic prose in the work are revealed: plot construction around mysterious events involving the supernatural; general atmosphere of the work ‒ increasing tension, anxiety; the main location of the depicted is a medieval castle, whose history is a through line which goes through the story’s plot. The story reveals elements of the detective genre: death in mysterious circumstances; investigation motive leading by the main hero; dynamic development of events. The emphasis is placed on the intertextual nature of individual fragments of the story. Through the analysis of the sleepy delirium of the story’s character, the author’s model of the universe is examined: depictions of the real and surreal worlds as parts of one whole, not parallel to the existing one. The analysis of the poetics of M. Traista’s story «In the Night on St. Andrew» testifies to the original style of the author, whose works deserve further scientific understanding.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія: Філологія. Випуск 2(42) - 2019

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