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Title: Ціннісні орієнтири у мові періодики Карпатської України (1938-1939)
Authors: Гецко, Ганна Іванівна
Keywords: ціннісні орієнтири, періодика, мова, національна свідомість, національна державність, Карпатська Україна
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: ДВНЗ "УжНУ"
Citation: Гецко, Г. Ціннісні орієнтири у мові періодики Карпатської України (1938-1939) [Текст] / Г. Гецко // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету : серія: Філологія; / ред.кол.: Н. Венжинович (гол.), Г. Шумицька та ін. – Ужгород : ПП Данило С. І., 2019. – Вип. 2(42) : На пошану професора Василя Добоша ( до 95-річчя від дня народження). – С.181-185
Series/Report no.: Філологія;
Abstract: У статті проаналізовано основні ціннісні орієнтири Карпатської України, які відображені в мові періодичних видань. Звертається увага на вживання мовних одиниць з оцінною конотацією, які сприяють пропагуванню цих цінностей на шпальтах друкованих видань.
In modern society crises in human relations are increasingly emerging, and problems with the promotion of universal human and national values are more acute. As the events of recent years in Ukraine show, the comprehension of valuable guidelines that affect all spheres of public life becomes more relevant. In the new socio-political conditions of the development of our State, especially after the events in Crimea and the East of the country, deepens the contradiction between different orientations in the system of valuable guidelines,which encodes the historical past of the people, the peculiarities of their mentality.The development of the State, the national and spiritual revival of Ukraine are impossible without relying on the value priorities of our people which have been formed over the centuries, thanks to which identity has been preserved. The study of the manifestation of valuable guidelines in the language of periodicals helps to better understand a certain historical period in the development of the State andto find out the role of journalistic works in promoting the ideological sentiments of society. Therefore, to trace valuable guidelines in the language of periodicals of Carpathian Ukraine, which are the source of ideological sentiment of Ukrainians, do not cause contradictions in terms of relevance. Problems of valuable guidelinesin the context of mass information processes to the role of various types of media were covered in the works of Yu. Romanenko, I. Bilous, O. Anufriieva, D. Popova, etc. I. Mykhailyn, A. Moskalenko, V.Rizun wrote about the influence of journalism on the formation of a valuable world view picture of the personality. The purpose of the article is to justify the essence and specificity of the functioning of basic values in the language of the press of Carpathian Ukraine, to reveal the importance of valuable guidelines in the revival of cathedral Ukrainian statehood. Periodicals of Carpathian Ukraine covers a small chronological period, but it clearly demonstrates the ideological sentiment and state aspirations of Ukrainians. In ‘the Carpathian Press Service Bulletin’, which produced the press and propaganda department, the importance of the press as a representative of the spiritual instruction of the people was stressed. The first state newspaper was «New Liberty».On its pages, the address of the Ukrainian People’s Council felt the expressive national orientation of the government, traditional for Ukrainian language words and expressions (Ukrainian people, big word) were used. Particular importance was attached to the word, which affected the local population. Along with the topics of state creation, the issue of language was also violated in the newspaper. The Government Order, which was printed on the pages of the newspaper, clearly stated that the State language was Ukrainian (maloruska). Officially, the pages of the publication did not violate the rights of other ethnic groups, it was stated that every citizen, despite the nationality and faith, would have an equal right. Instead, the manifestations of Hungarian propaganda were strongly condemned. The main value – national statehood – was defended by other publications («People ‘s Will», «Nation», «Offensive», «Howerla»),who saw complete freedom and liberation of the nation in Ukrainian nationalism. Their pages show calls for fighting against internal enemies, negatively connotated words with a change in numerical characteristics (fentsyky, brodii, stoiky) are used. Thus, among the basic values on the pages of the press are traced- national statehood, spiritual and cathedral unity, freedom, mother tongue. They are the means of national identity, the promotion of democratic values and one of the conditions for the successful development of society.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія: Філологія. Випуск 2(42) - 2019

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