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Назва: Екологічна обстановка через добування мінеральних солей у Калуш-Голинському родовищі: вплив на грунти і водні об`єкти прилеглих територій
Інші назви: Ecological circumstance in Kalush - Holynsky field around extraction of mineral salts: impact on the soil and water of surrounding areas
Автори: Чонка, Іванна Іванівна
Дата публікації: 2019
Видавництво: Видавництво УжНУ "Говерла"
Бібліографічний опис: Чонка, І. І. Екологічна обстановка через добування мінеральних солей у Калуш-Голинському родовищі: вплив на грунти і водні об`єкти прилеглих територій / І. І. Чонка, Ю. Л. Левицька, С. В. Галла-Бобик // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету : серія: Хімія; зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С.Ю. Чундак, І.Є. Барчій, С.М. Сухарев, та ін. – Ужгород : УжНУ, 2019. – Вип. №2 (42). – С. 96–104.
Серія/номер: Хімія;Випуск 2(42)
Короткий огляд (реферат): Since it has been opened at the base of Kalush-Holynsky field the mining geokomplexes were formed, which include a number of mining and processing facilities. For a while these facilities cause anthropogenic impact on natural ecosystems and, possibly, will cause it in the future as well. Today as a result of the impact of many anthropogenic factors the area of the field is characterized by a tense environmental situation. By atomic absorption spectrophotometry of soil and water samples submitted from the surrounding areas of Kalush-Holynsky field the content of heavy metals (Lead, Copper, Cadmium, Mercury, Zinc, and Arsenic) was studied. The analysis of content of heavy metals in the Dombrowskiy Quarry brine in autumn 2018 in four water samples was done, which were taken near the northeast board of the Dombrowskiy reservoir at a depth of 20-30 cm below the water surface, 0.5 m from the quarry board. Four templates of sod-podzolic soils from the side Dombrowskiy Quarry at the depth of the arable soil were selected. In the analyzed soil samples, which were selected on the northern side of the quarry in 2018, the following average content of heavy metal salts was detected: Pb2+ – 1.2 mg×kg-1 (MPC = 6.0 mg×kg-1); Cd2+ – 0.2 mg×kg-1 (MPC = 0.7 mg×kg-1); Cu2+ – 0.5 mg×kg-1 (MPC = 3.0 mg×kg-1); Zn2+ – 2.2 mg×kg-1 (MPC = 23.0 mg×kg-1); Mercury – 0.02 mg×kg-1 (MPC = 2.1 mg×kg-1), which does not exceed the limits. Our analyze of Dombrowskiy Quarry water showed that content of salts of mercury, cadmium, zinc, copper and arsenic is significantly higher than the permissible limits of MPC for household water. In particular, the lead compounds exceed MPC 2.7 times, copper – 3 times, cadmium – up to 20 times Mercury – up to 2 times, zinc – up to 10 times. In salt lake water arsenic compounds has been also detected, the content of which is not standardized, its complete absence is required. Thus it was established that during 6 years of monitoring of the studied sites the content of heavy metals has decreased significantly, probably due to the transition to the sediment and migration in soil profile. However, in the water of the quarry its content is still higher than the MPC. The reason of the high content of heavy metals is the illegal dumping of 1st class hazard wastes in the area of quarry. Dombrowskiy Quarry water, which now is used in recreational purposes, means potential danger for human health and for the surrounding ecosystems. Keywords: salt deposit; heavy metals; soil monitoring; brine; salt lake.
Тип: Text
Тип публікації: Стаття
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/29669
Розташовується у зібраннях:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія Хімія Випуск 2 (42) 2019
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