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Title: Cytology&Genetics
Authors: Roshko, Volodymyr
Рошко, Володимир Гаврилович
Symochko, Lyudmila
Симочко, Людмила Юріївна
Demchynska, Myroslava
Демчинська, Мирослава Іванівна
Mirutenko, Vladyslav
Мірутенко, Владислав Валентинович
Keywords: medical biology
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: ПП "Пігаліцин П.Ю."
Citation: Cytology & Genetics : textbook / V. Roshko, L. Symochko, M. Demchynska, V. Mirutenko ; Reviewer Nadiya Boyko ; Ministry of Public Health Service of Ukraine, Uzhgorod National University. – Uzhorod : ПП "Пігаліцин П.Ю.", 2015. – 50 р. : іл. – Текст англ.
Abstract: Course "Medical biology" provides students with a foundation for further assimilation of knowledge of relevant theoretical and clinical professional and practical subjects. The content of the "Cytology and genetics" covers important aspects of human biology at the molecular, organismal, population and biosphere level of life. This section covers the basics well cytology, the laws of heredity and variation, methods of studying human heredity and hereditary diseases, biology of individual development, ontogenesis and phylogenesis, human ecology. Textbook "Cytology and Genetics "presents all threads started the discipline.
Type: Learning Object
Publication type: Підручник
Appears in Collections:Навчально - методичні видання кафедри ентомології та збереження біорізноманіття

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