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Title: Formation of readiness of social workers-to-be for volunteering with at-risk children
Authors: Бартош, Олена Павлівна
Козубовський, Ростислав Володимирович
Шандор, Федір Федорович
Keywords: at-risk children, conditions of training effectiveness, criteria and indicators of readiness, social workers-to-be, volunteering.
Issue Date: Sep-2019
Publisher: Посвіт
Citation: Bartosh O., Kozubovskyi R., Shandor F. Formation of readiness of social workers-to-be for volunteering with at-risk children / Матеріали V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Фундаментальні та прикладні дослідження: сучасні науково-практичні рішення і підходи. Міждисциплінарні перспективи». Том V / За ред. А.Душного, М.Махмудова, М.Стреначікової. Баку – Банська Бистриця – Ужгород – Херсон: Посвіт, 2019. C.114-126
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to analyse and summarise the ideas of formation of social workers-to-be readiness for volunteering with at-risk children. The research methodology is based on the use of a number of methods: questionnaire, individual and group interview, observation (direct and indirect), testing, method of explanation and narration, method of conversation, interactive methods, the method of projects, trainings, case-study. The scientific novelty of the article consists in an attampt: to define criteria and indicators of readiness of social workers-to-be for volunteering with at-risk children; to substantiate the content, forms and methods of social workers-to-be training for volunteering with at-risk children; to reveal conditions of effectiveness of formation of readiness for volunteering in future social workers with at-risk children. Conclusions. The number of at-risk children has significantly increased in Ukraine in recent years, thus the problem of finding effective methods and forms of educational work with them is actualised. The essence of volunteering has been clarified as a voluntary non-profit activity of persons-volunteers aimed at providing assistance to individuals in difficult living conditions. It is a universally recognised social work resource and is worth of being used in social workers’ training. The important role of volunteering in working with at-risk children has been proved as well as the necessity to involve the student youth in this type of work. The study was conducted at Uzhhorod National University with Social Work specialty students and took place in stages. Generalisation of results of the conducted experimental work demonstrate the significant increase of indicator of the level of formed readiness for volunteering with at-risk children in the experimental group. Positive insignificant changes took place in the control group. The results of statistical data processing proved the reliability of the study results.
Type: Text
Publication type: Тези до статті
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри соціології і соціальної роботи

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