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Title: Business communications
Authors: Брітченко, Ігор Геннадійович
Britchenko, Igor
Levchenko, Yaroslava
Keywords: business communications, Communication noises, business etiquette, Business protocol, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, Business correspondence, business letters
Issue Date: Aug-2021
Publisher: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Citation: Levchenko Yaroslava. Business communications : book / Y. Levchenko, I. Britchenko ; rev. : Maria Borowska, Maksym Bezpartochnyi, Radostin Vazov. – Sofia : Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2021. – 124 p. : іл. – Текст англ. – Бібліогр.: с. 126-150.
Abstract: Communication problems not only every year arouse more and more interest among people of different ages, diffrent professions and education, but, above all, are a necessary component of the professional competence of specialists in all areas of their activity. In 1941, Fethullah Gülen, an Islamic scholar and Turkish public figure, said that "thanks to advances in communications and transport, one of the driving forces of globalization, the distances between countries and peoples are rapidly blurring". But during communication, a person commits many mistakes and stupidities. Foolishness is visible in those moments when a person should be silent, and he speaks, or when it is necessary to speak, and he is silent, - Zufar Fatkudinov said. The same thing happens in entrepreneurial communications. Business communications are a set of contacts in the business environment that each firm establishes and reproduces in the process of carrying out entrepreneurial actions, participation in business relations. Business communications are interfirm or intrafirm in nature. Business communications should be distinguished from ordinary communication. They represent ways of organizing the interaction of business entities with their intra-firm and inter-firm environment, during which all parties of the interaction strive to defend their interests in business. The materials of this book can be used in the study of the disciplines "Ethics of business relations", "Business communication", "Psychology of business communication", "Psychology of management" in higher and secondary educational institutions. The textbook is practically oriented: at the end of each chapter there are control questions and tasks, as well as literature for independent study.
Description: The purpose of the book is to form an understanding of the role and place of strategic communications in the management system and leveling stereotypes about the construction of communications; demonstrate key techniques and tools that make communication effective.
Type: Text
Publication type: Підручник
ISBN: 978-619-245-141-7
Appears in Collections:Навчально - методичні видання кафедри фінансів і банківської справи

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