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Название: Investigation of the Surface Properties of Glass-ceramic Materials During their Binding with Albumin
Другие названия: Дослідження властивостей поверхні склокерамічних матеріалів при їх зв'язуванні з альбуміном
Авторы: Sherehii, Andrii
Stoyka, Vasyl
Meklesh, Jurii
Pushkash, Ivan
Vasilinec, Mikhail
Savvova, Oksana
Kochmar, Vitalii
Ключевые слова: Bioactive Glass Materials;, Surface Structure;, Albumin;, Hemcompatibility
Дата публикации: 4-апр-2022
Издательство: Acta Scientific Orthopaedics
Серия/номер: Volume 5 Issue 4;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Abstract The study of the interaction between physicochemical and hemocompatible characteristics of biomaterials is extremely important in the field of creating medical devices that contact with blood, including implants. It is known that the adsorption of proteins is the first stage of blood interaction with a foreign surface. The aim of the study is to observe the influence of surface structure of bioactive glass materials on their ability to bind to albumin. Materials and Methods: The production of the test material took place in accordance to standardized instructions in the conditions of a certified laboratory as part of the at the Department of Ceramics, Refractory Materials, Glass and Enamels Technology of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. The surface energy of solid bodies cannot be evaluated directly by the value of the surface tension parameter, as there is no movement of molecules on their surface. The wetting edge angle was measured statically and calculated by the sediment drop method. Toxicity of implants based on developed materials was assessed at the Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology, “National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” on the basis of dynamics study of content in raw materials of blood of the common protein, urea and activity of enzyme alanin-aminotransferase (ALT). The ALT was determined by the kinetic method, the total protein content - biuret method, urea content - enzymatic method. Statistical analysis of the obtained indicators was performed using software packages Microsoft Excel and Statsoft Statistica 6.0. Results and Discussion: Experimental glass crystalline materials were synthesized on the basis of calcium phosphate silicate glasses with a chemical composition, where modifying introduced to increase the crack resistance of the material in the amount of 5 wt. hours per 100 wt. including frit. As an indicator of glass resorption and the level of its bioactivity in vivo, depending on the composition, the criterion glass reaction was calculated, the values of which indicate the possibility of formation of apatite-like layer on the surface of materials is an important manifestation of their biocompatibility. Conclusion: It is established that the local redistribution of calcium ions and their binding to albumin on the surface of the developed material AC3-5 are determined by the characteristics of their surface, the nature of their resorption, features of their structure, the presence of surface crystallization hydroxyapatite. Ensuring the hemocompatibility of the developed glass-crystalline material, which is assoc
Тип: Text
Тип публикации: Стаття
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/44945
ISSN: 2581-8635
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові публікації кафедри загальної хірургії

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