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Title: State management of formation and development of tourist potential of Ukraine
Authors: Кривенкова, Руслана Юріївна
Kryvenkova, Ruslana
Keywords: public administration, tourism, tourist attractive, consolidation tourism
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Кryvenkova R. State management of formation and development of tourist potential of Ukraine. ZESZYTY NAUKOWE. Tom 22, rocznik XI. Sucha Beskidzka: Wyższa Szkoła Turystyki i Ekologii w Suchej Beskidzkiej, 2022. Р. 36-45.
Abstract: Scientific approaches to tourist potential are analyzed; it is proved that the tourist potential is a set of tourist resources and tourist opportunities of a certain territory, which public administration bodies use and can in the future use to consolidate society at the state, regional and local levels. Tourist potential is a basic factor in the formation and development of the tourism industry in the country, as well as one of the factors consolidating society. The article analyzes the essence and content of the concept of «tourist potential», highlights the formation of tourist potential and identifies its features. The author's statement of the term «consolidation tourism» is proposed, the meaning of which is that it is a type of tourism in which the idea (plan) of travel and excursions is to know the attractive natural and historical and cultural tourist resources of the state, national culture, national identity and national consciousness of citizens of different regions and districts of Ukraine in order to form and strengthen the consolidation (unifying) principles of belonging to a single society and without engaging in commercial activities. The article solves an urgent scientific problem, which is to study the theoretical foundations for the formation of tourism potential as a factor in the consolidation of Ukrainian society in terms of public administration; the directions of formation and prospects of development of tourist potential as a factor of consolidation of a society are defined. The project of the Concept of formation of tourist potential as a factor of consolidation of the Ukrainian society with definition of levels of formation of tourist potential is developed.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри туризму

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