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Title: Європеїзація вищої освіти в Словацькій Республіці: нормативні основи та напрями реалізації
Other Titles: Klyuchkovych T. Europeanization of Higher Education in the Slovak Republic: Normative Framework and Implementation Areas
Authors: Ключкович, Тетяна Василівна
Keywords: Словацька Республіка, європеїзація, інтернаціоналізація вищої освіти, вищі навчальні заклади, Slovak Republic, Europeanization, internationalization of higher education, higher education institutions.
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Ключкович Т. В. Європеїзація вищої освіти в Словацькій Республіці: нормативні основи та напрями реалізації // Наукові інновації та передові технології (Серія «Державне управління», Серія «Право», Серія «Економіка», Серія «Психологія», Серія «Педагогіка»): журнал. 2022. № 4(6). С. 101-109.
Abstract: In the article the retrospective and the current situation in the field of Europeanization of higher education in the Slovak Republic has been analyzed. The understanding of Europeanization of higher education as a multilevel and multivector phenomenon is revealed. The main focus of the study is on the state level of Europeanization of higher education in Slovakia. The higher education Europeanization strategy in the Slovak Republic is analyzed. It is defined that implementation of Europeanization strategy is one of the priority tasks for the public policy in the Slovak Republic. The normative and conceptual bases of Europeanization of higher education in Slovakia are outlined. The key documents that determine the higher education Europeanization strategy in the Slovak Republic have been analyzed. The key directions of Europeanization of higher education and the peculiarities of its implementation in Slovakia are clarified. The national strategy for the development of higher education aims at increasing the quality of education through internationalization, increasing the availability of international experience during university studies and modernizing higher education in the context of Europeanization. In Slovakia, at the state and institutional levels, a set of measures has been developed to internationalization of educational programs, spread various forms of academic mobility, and intensify international cooperation between universities. In Slovakia, a set of measures has been developed at the state and institutional levels. It includes the internationalization of educational programs, the introduction of various forms of academic mobility, and the intensification of international cooperation between universities. It was emphasized that an important step in the Europeanization of higher education in Slovakia was the implementation of lifelong learning programs. Europeanization of public administration of higher education is also a component of European integration reforms. Based on the analysis of the current state of internationalization in Slovakia, it is concluded that the country's higher education system is characterized by a significant degree of European integration and international openness. As part of the European Higher Education Area, Slovak higher education adheres to the principles of cooperation, coordination and streamlining of joint activities.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 2786-5274
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри загальної педагогіки та педагогіки вищої школи

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