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Title: Фразеологія художніх творів закарпатоукраїнського письменника Дмитра Кешелі
Authors: Венжинович, Наталія Федорівна
Keywords: Ukrainian language, phrases, behaviour, deeds, interpersonal relations, contem porary Transcarpathian Ukrainian, Dmytro Keshe
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: SLAVIA časopis pro slovanskou filologii
Citation: Фразеологія художніх творів закарпатоукраїнського письменника Дмитра Кешелі. Slavia. 2022. Ročnik 91. Sešit 1. S.64–76.
Abstract: The article focuses on phrase description in the works of art by Dmytro Keshelia, denoting the life, manners and customs of the Transcarpathians, their positions in society and also interper sonal relations, deeds, behaviour, quality, the state of an object, phenomenon. It has been found that his skill turns out to be both in the choice of phrases, renewal and extension of phraseological contexts and connections, in a neat feeling of a semantic and stylistic peculiarities of general language phrases and in creating new author units, being the basic feature of his idiolect and replenish the phraseological stock of the dialect as well as the Ukrainian literary language. As a result of the study the author affirms, that D. Keshelia neatly transformed set phrases in his works of art, fundamentally interspersing special features of his native patois in them. She comes to the conclusion that there are a lot of picturesque phrases, reflecting contacts among people, the attitude to one another and the description of one character by another
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 0037-67336
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри української мови

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