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Title: Artificial intelligence, its application and development prospects in the context of state security
Authors: Брітченко, Ігор Геннадійович
Britchenko, Igor
Chochowski, Krzysztof
Keywords: intelligence, security, development, system
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Politics & Security, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Citation: Britchenko, I., & Chochowski, K. (2022). Artificial intelligence, its application and development prospects in the context of state security. Politics & Security, 6(3), 3–7.
Abstract: Today, we observe the process of the constant expansion of the list of countries using AI in order to ensure the state of security, although depending on the system in force in them, its intensity and depth of interference in the sphere of rights and freedoms of an individual are different. The purpose of this article is to define what is AI, which is applicable in the area of state security, and to indicate the prospects for the development of AI. The historical method was used as the leading one in the research process, supported by the comparative method and the dogmatic method.
Description: Today, we observe the process of the constant expansion of the list of countries using AI in order to ensure the state of security, although depending on the system in force in them, its intensity and depth of interference in the sphere of rights and freedoms of an individual are different. The purpose of this article is to define what is AI, which is applicable in the area of state security, and to indicate the prospects for the development of AI. The historical method was used as the leading one in the research process, supported by the comparative method and the dogmatic method.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 2535-0358
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри фінансів і банківської справи

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