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Title: Актуалізація концепту сон у фразеологізмах античного походження: лінгвокультурологічний аспект
Authors: Луканинець, Рената Володимирівна
Keywords: Ключові слова: мовна картина світу, лінгвокультурологія, концепт, міф, міфологія, фразеологізм.
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Луканинець Р.В. Актуалізація концепту СОН у фразеологізмах античного походження: лінгвокультурологічний аспект. Гуманітарна освіта у технічних вищих навчальних закладах. 2016. Вип. 34. С. 81–92.
Abstract: Стаття присвячена опису та аналізу фразеологічних одиниць античного походження на позначення поняття сну: влада Ночі, бути в обіймах Морфея, жрець Морфея, влада Гіпноса, сон Ендіміона, сонне царство, сова Мінерви вилітає ночами (опівночі, в сутінках). Досліджено джерела утворення таких фразем, їх міфологічне підґрунтя. Зібраний та проаналізований матеріал дає змогу стверджувати, що фразеологізми античного походження набули етнонаціональних рис та адаптувалися до сучасної мовної картини світу українців.
Description: The article is devoted to the description and the analysis of the phraseological units of antique origin denoting the concept of the dream: the power of the night, be in the arms of Morpheus, the power of Hypnos, Endymion's dream, the land of Nod, the owl of Minerva only takes flight at dusk (at midnight, at night). Antique myths were of a character of the prescientific worldview concepts and closely connected with a religion as well as they were a worldview of the ancient Greeks, their life. Therefore lots of mythologems, phraseological units and maxims go back to the ancient mythology. The notions of the darkness, the silence and the death are closely related to the concept of the dream. It is traced from the mythology itself which has become the source of the formation of such mythologems. Nyx, the goddess of the night, was one of the first deity created by Chaos and appears as overall and immense power that hides the secrets of the Universe. It stands for reason that Dream and Death are brothers in ancient mythology. Both of them reign under cover of night, but the dream symbolizes just temporary oblivion here as opposed to the ruthless death that never releases the one who was destined to die. According to the Greek cosmogony, the night and the darkness are in the source of all things of the world, thus the night (as well as the water) is related to abundance, potential power, the idea of growth, expectations and the promise of the light and day. Hence the phraseological unit ‘the owl of Minerva only takes flight at dusk (at midnight, at night)’ is related to this period of the day and brings in additional connotation of wisdom, new ideas, inspirationes, which are gifted by Nyx and strengthened by the power of mind of Minerva-Affine, forming the concept of the Dream (the same as related with such notions as darkness and night). The concept of the DREAM is represented by two lexical meanings, which have expressions in phraseological world-view, and is accompanied with symbols, images and culturegems, and thus creating the entire idea. The ancient Greeks believed that gods address them through the dreams and control their fate, and, as a consequence, the phraseological units, which personify the image of a dream, appear. By the example of quoted texts, which include the phraseological units under analysis, their national cultural features, which evolve in the culture that has adopted them, are traced. Collected and analyzed material gives grounds to state that phraseological units of antique origin have gained ethnonational features and have been adapted to current linguistic outlook of the Ukrainians. Key words: linguistic world-view, linguo-cultural studies, concept, myth, mythology, phraseological unit.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри української мови

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