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Title: Introduction of the package of medical services «Comprehensive rehabilitation assistance to adults and children in stationary conditions» in health care institutions of Ukraine: material and technical requirements
Authors: Слабкий, Геннадій Олексійович
Миронюк, Іван Святославович
Картавцев, Ростислав Леонідович
Keywords: rehabilitation assistance, stationary conditions, introduction, equipment
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Aluna Publishing
Citation: Mironyuk Ivan S., Slabkiy Hennadiy О., Kartavtsev Rostislav L. Introduction of the package of medical services «Comprehensive rehabilitation assistance to adults and children in stationary conditions» in health care institutions of Ukraine: material and technical requirements. / Ivan S. Mironyuk, Hennadiy О. Slabkiy, Rostislav L. Kartavtsev // Acta Balneol. 2023. – VOL.LXV. – 2(174). – С. 120-124.
Abstract: To investigate the conditions for the introduction of the package of medical services “Comprehensive rehabilitation assistance to adults and children in stationary conditions” and to directly study and analyze the requirements for equipment. Materials and Methods: The specification and conditions for the purchase of medical services under the program of medical guarantees under the package “Comprehensive rehabilitation assistance to adults and children in stationary conditions” were used as the materials of the study. The following methods were applied in the course of the study: bibliosemantic, of content analysis, of structural and logical analysis. Conclusions: It was established that in order to introduce the package of medical services “Comprehensive rehabilitation assistance to adults and children in stationary conditions”, health care institutions of Ukraine must be provided with equipment that is functionally divided into four groups: equipment to ensure effective patient care, medical equipment, rehabilitation equipment and household equipment. The results of the study indicate the formation of a network of high-quality comprehensive rehabilitation institutions in Ukraine.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 2082-1867
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри громадського здоров’я
Наукові публікації кафедри наук про здоров’я

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