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Автори: Машіка, Ганна Василівна
Кампов, Надія Семенівна
Тодьєрішко, Еріка
Ключові слова: бронювання;, туристичні пункти, маршрут;
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: ТОВ "ДКС Центр"
Бібліографічний опис: Тодьєрішко Е.В.,Машіка Г.В.,Кампов Н.С Роль сучасних тенологій у плануванні маршрутів для туристів.Агросвіт №15(23)с.63-68
Серія/номер: Туризм;15 (23)
Короткий огляд (реферат): Modern technologies have a significant impact on route planning for tourist enterprises, which currently serves as the foundation for providing high-quality and diverse tour services to travelers. The research aims to systematically study the role of modern technologies in tourist route planning. Based on the above statements, a conclusion has been drawn regarding the increasing significance of modern technologies in tourist route planning, driven by easier access to information, expanded data analytics and machine learning capabilities, opportunities to experience immersive views of tourist attractions, enhanced geolocation, and navigation capabilities, as well as online booking and transactions. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that modern technologies give rise to five transformational zones in the process of tourist route planning. These zones should be regarded as distinct areas experiencing significant development and change due to the implementation of modern technologies in the tourism industry. In aggregate, all transformation zones shape a space where traditional route planning systems evolve into new, innovative, and efficient solutions through the utilization of digital technologies and the internet. Among the transformation zones of the tourist route planning process, we identify the following: route network zones, personalized offering, and communication zones, information acquisition zones, virtualization of potential routes zones, and interaction zones. In the designated zones of transformational route planning for tourists, various modern technologies are present, significantly easing and enriching the travel experience and allowing for the following: providing route immersiveness, adjusting the level of personalization for the route, and embedding convenient and valuable tools for travel preparation and enjoyment. The transformative role is currently driven by the expansion of capabilities to determine route immersiveness, adjust route personalization levels, and integrate convenient and valuable tools for travel preparation, increased flexibility, and enjoyment of the journeys.
Тип: Text
Тип публікації: Стаття
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/53658
ISSN: 2306-6792
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри туризму

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