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Title: Evoluţia rutenismului în Transcarpatia (1991–2001)
Other Titles: Еволюція русинства на Закарпатті (1991-2001 рр.)
The evolution of political rusynstvo in Transcarpathia (1991-2001)
Authors: Zan, Mykhaylo
Horvat, Irina Liuba
Зан, Михайло Петрович
Keywords: Карпаторусиністика, Політичне русинство, Закарпаття, Товариство карпатських русинів
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Editura Muzeului Sătmărean / Видавництво Музею Сату Маре (Румунія)
Citation: 53. Horvat I.L., Zan M. Evoluţia rutenismului în Transcarpatia (1991–2001). Satu Mare. Studii şi comunicări. Seria Istorie – Etnografie – Artă. XXV / II. 2008. Satu Mare: Editura Muzeului Sătmărean, 2008. P. 291–308.
Series/Report no.: Satu Mare. Studii şi comunicări. Seria Istorie – Etnografie – Artă.;XXV / II. 2008.
Abstract: The authors pays attention to the problem of activization of political rusynstvo in Transcarpathia during 1991-2001. Ethnopolitical processes in the region are analysed on the basis of archive documents, which are put into the scientific circulation for the first time. It is testified the opposition between national-democratic and party-nomenclature elites of the land. The authors gives the conclusion about the decadence of political rusynstvo in conditions of Ukrainian independence.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 0258 - 1558
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри політології і державного управління

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